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The last poster wins


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I convinced my bro to finally get a new pc, and what does he do, well he has the nurve to out do me by getting gtx690 grrrr, so in retaliation i am going crossfire with my gigabyte 7950, and maybe another 4gb of ram, he has 16gb of ddr3 at 2000mhz. :wallbash:


GRRRR what nurve out doing me, he also went he way of the bulldozer... He's laughing his head off now. seriously all that time watching me build pc's, i guess it was his secret after all. This is waarrrr!!!!


plus he was a mac person before, his reason behind it all "he wanted was dual screen" :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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I am going crossfire, yup official, check the hardware thread :teehee: I will have a system that rivals the gtx690 in specs, atleast..
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Orangutans are the ugliest mother fibbing primates around.


Also reckoned by many to be the smartest.


In any case I disagree, they're immensely cool looking.




Orangutan approves of this win.

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Ah...rekindling my love of Star Trek. Finally decided to watch Enterprise...not too bad so far :thumbsup:


I win, btw :P


It's a lot better than Voyager, I'll give it that...


DS9 > TNG > Original > Enterprise > Voyager.


Off course even greater than all of that... orangutans




(And SHAFT! obviously)

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