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The last poster wins


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Wow! Which of the answers fits you:


1. You've been around a lot of cow's?

2. You have a fascination with all forms of gases driving you to study them in chemistry class.

3. You've done a thorough search on the Internet about how cows are raising the Planet Earths temperature from letting off all their combined methane gas all at once?

Check all those that apply to you.



LOL, I remember chemistry class, with the world's stupidest chemisrty teacher. Genuine, genuine examples of things he told us, while letting us "experiment" with these chemicals:


"Now this is 111-Trichloroethane, it's the solvent in Tipp-Ex that some stupid people use to get high, but DON'T SNIFF IT"


"Today we'll be working with different types of alcohol, this is Methanol, which is the type of alcohol in meths, this will kill you. This is Ethanol, this is the kind of alcohol that you get in beer and wine BUT DON'T DRINK IT BECAUSE IT'S COMPLETELY PURE"




http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/yes.gif I wonder which one he was sniffing? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif


That's the weird thing he was straight as a dye. I swear to god, one day we were close to getting him to show us how to synthesise MDMA, and he genuinely seemed to believe we were fascinated by the science.


Our other chemistry teacher, younger guy was clearly stoned out of his tiny mind 99% of the time, but he had the sense out of the two of them.


DISCLAIMER: Drugs are bad m'kay. Drink milk, eat vitamins, go to school.


http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif Now that you are smarter

I hope you have contributed

with your scientific wisdom to

find out why that stuff makes

no sense at all!


Why would any body who has any

idea of how

marvelous life is want to make

them self stupid?

I don't any chemicals

to help me with that

and I have no friend's

to prove I don't use milk, eat cereal with a ton of saccharin, and love little yellow Easter chicks, and chocolate covered bunnies.

Even if I did eat all those things in one sitting I would only be twice as high as anyone who used MDMA.


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This is Pooh Bear on drugs




Don't do drugs kids.


They make your eyes go squinty, you dance like a clown and eat EVERYBODY'S honey.

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EDIT: I can't believe this, a damn double-post http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif

Edited by Werne
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Right I gotta get off or I'll end up up all night again. Must sleep at last 1 night in 2, it's good for you they say.


Just a little bit of games first though, maybe it's time to finally fire up Borderlands.



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