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The last poster wins


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Angry birds isn't fun period. It's just stupid.


Everyone's got their own opinion. I love all of the Angry Birds games :D They are much better on the PC. I started on my smartphone, but it's so much better playing them on a big monitor and using a mouse. No need to wipe off my screen every 10 minutes too, big plus :P


The pigs stole their eggs, I'd be pretty damn angry too haha


Weather is so nice now. A month of nasty hot weather finally ended. It's so cool out, so nice not to have my AC running 24/7. :dance:

Edited by Illiad86
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What about if you divide posts in forum games by number of months membership?


tetradite = 668 / 7 = 95.4


Werne = 1133 / 17 = 66.6 (congrats on that :biggrin: )


brokenergy = 3250 / 44 = 80


Thor = 4368 / 72 = 60.6


I think you'll find I am the most obsessed, I just haven't had time for anyone to notice how BAD my problem is yet :tongue:

._. So wondering how I compared I did this.

361 / 60 = 6.02

Not obsessed! :)

Of course I had barely ever posted in here before... Hmm I actually don't know why I suddenly started posting in here again. Most of my posts are random comments or asking for help (because technology hates me, I swear its true). And I've been here for 5 years... Silently watching... Okay I wasn't really watching I just didn't really get on the forums too much.


Edit: I thought Angry Birds was dumb, until I tried it. I don't know I guess so much hype over a game were you launch birds at pigs just got annoying. "Omg omg I love Angry Birds on my iPhone" "Omg Omg I heard you say that the last twenty times" (Slight exaggeration may have been used)

Edited by K00L
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I see measuring one person's thinking of fun against anothers thinking of what is fun developing.


What is a trait of whose fun is more fun than anyone else's fun?


Measure what you call fun compare to what games are similar to your favorite and stay away from measuring what isn't similar to your favorites or you cross the path between games expecting the authors of one that isn't like your favorite style to make theirs to live up to yours.


The thing is, as the population changes its device's and more mobiles, pad's, etc. it take the world to that level of App's games.


I have my heart in PC and yet many joined the XBOX teams playing similar games. Than they saw the mod's were no longer in as much demand. Hmm?


I loved Morrowind but even Thor saw the times a changing and started pushing from XBOX to PS3.

XBOX competed against, PS2 and PS3 with it little hand held screenie but PS2 held up.


So now with the iPod, the iPad, the touch screen and all, we elders all knew they were coming to that. We foresaw the Holographic gaming industry and it faded to a few Really Rich peoples home gaming systems, but did not stand as long in the cities.


Hand held's on the other hand are winning popularity. More App's are available taking us back to the scene with a small screen, only these new 3 inch screen's are in High Definition. Angry Birds have potential. I remember when my Monitor was a 12 inch Cathode Ray Tube. I remember when Space Invaders was a shooter game that everyone loved.


Get used to the new wave of game Apps for cellular phone's, pads, iPhones, and iPad's, etc... Find your niche in making better games for them to prove once again we're not seeing the end, we've been shown a NEW BEGINNING. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/yes.gif

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I don't like any touch games what so ever. I say, "leave me be with my damned controller! If I wanted to simulate cleaning glass or wave around a dvd remote I'd just do that!" to my cats, they love touch games. They carved up my brother's 3DS screen. I lol'd.
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I also tried Fruit Ninja on someone's phone. Yet another game I had thought would be dumb. Until I continued playing it for 30 minutes.


Edit: UHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate websites where you have to search through the ads just to find the download button. :\

Nope I don't need Google Chrome. Hmm that link is for iTunes which is NOT what I was wanting... No I don't want Norton Antivirus to help speed up my PC. >.<

I know these things are particularly bad with people (on other websites) who link their mod downloads through AdFly or whatever. Having a big green button that says download should be illegal. Its misleading... Of course hopefully most of us are smart enough to not just click on the first thing they see.

Edited by K00L
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I prefer a mouse and keyboard over a controller for most games. Only games that I prefer with a controller are fighting/hack and slash ones (like mortal combat, LotR Conquest, ones where there are multiple types of attacks and combos you can use.)
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