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Well thank ya! Seeing as its almost 3:00am here... And. I. Am. Still. Filled. With. ENNNNNEEEEEERGGGGGGGGYYYYYYYYY! :teehee: :turned: :laugh:

Okay not really, but I don't feel sleepy anymore. Which is annoying. :pinch:

Oh well its more time to contribute to our noble goal. And yes our goal is noble. I couldn't tell you why. It just is.


Edit: It just hit mr why I get bored with Skyrim and Bethesda's games pretty quickly... They aren't cinematic. I don't think I've ever felt emotionally attached to any Elder Scrolls game or either of the Fallout games. I absolutely love them, but there was always something missing that I really liked. And for some reason I couldn't think of it.

Then it just suddenly hit me. That's why I love Bioware's games. Particularly Mass Effect. And despite the fact I have never had favorites before, tonight.... Or this morning actually, I am saying this.

The Mass Effect series are my favorite games... Ever.


Weird that I like to not be able to control my character, I know a lot of people like having complete control so they hate cut scenes. But I just don't enjoy things as much when I don't get to see my character headbutting a big alien. :tongue:

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Is it worth the 120$ just to get a new OS that can run DX10? :dry:


Sigh, everything must be so expensive... Especially books!! I mean text books, not like a nice, normal book... Speaking of I finally (took me several months) finished the last Hunger Games book. >.> I don't read much because I just can't really find things I like to read, and I kept putting off finishing that. :ermm:

And now that's yet another trilogy done. Mass Effect. Hunger Games. Something else I had in my head and it slipped away into the void of strange, colorful things that float and bounce about my brain. And now I am making nonsensical statements about the condition of my thinking device. Why? Because I truly have nothing better to do. Perhaps sleep would be a good choice... Yes... Sleep.


Good night! :happy:


There is DX11 available.

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There is DX11 available.

Oh yeah I forgot that. :confused:

Still I can't get it because I run XP. Don't drop compatibility for XP!!!! D: Its all I got!

lol :P


And I think I will go sleepsy again, I'm starting to yawn. :tongue:

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