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Meh, I get so sick of people's prejudice against "reds"


It's a little known fact that I was raised by communists. They aren't some evil red tide spread across the globe like a bloodstain on white cloth, they're people with a specific ideal. I get so damn sick of (mostly yanks) talking about communism and socialism as if it's fascism, as if they, heh, we, are opressive monsters who destroy all. The truth is far more complex, and so is the ideology, but try telling that to people. To them, we're a bunch of red monsters who lock up anyone who disagrees with us in the gulag and make them mine salt, ironic really. And certainly, there have been evil, monsterous communists, but the basic idea isn't evil. People need to learn to respect others, regardless of their ideas, religion, politics. The world would be a better place if they could.

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Vin, you'll have to live with it. Apparently a lot of people only believe in stereotyped stories and/or lack the intelligence to understand.


Example, two guys were kissing outside the window about 50m away while I had school 2 days ago. What happens? Everybody in class stands up and runs to the window to look at that 'spectacle' while most of them say 'eeww' and other offensive bs, while I sit and cannot comprehend the idiocy that I am just seeing. So yeah, apparently to them I'm mentally retarded and disgusting. Great, I felt amazing then.


People need to learn to respect others, regardless of their ideas, religion, politics. The world would be a better place if they could.


Yes, yes they need to. They can hate what they see, they don't have to support it. But for the sake of humanity, they should keep it for themselves and stop spreading hate and intolerance.

I'm sorry that people think that of you Vin, I hope humanity will learn better sometime soon.

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We're all fashion designers in GW2 :biggrin:Seriously, the dyeing system is addictive.

I don't know how many times I've changed the colors of my persons armor. xD


On a side note, yep. In general people suck.

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Meh, I get so sick of people's prejudice against "reds"


It's a little known fact that I was raised by communists. They aren't some evil red tide spread across the globe like a bloodstain on white cloth, they're people with a specific ideal. I get so damn sick of (mostly yanks) talking about communism and socialism as if it's fascism, as if they, heh, we, are opressive monsters who destroy all. The truth is far more complex, and so is the ideology, but try telling that to people. To them, we're a bunch of red monsters who lock up anyone who disagrees with us in the gulag and make them mine salt, ironic really. And certainly, there have been evil, monsterous communists, but the basic idea isn't evil. People need to learn to respect others, regardless of their ideas, religion, politics. The world would be a better place if they could.

Well said. Though my ideology is not communist, I certainly have no issues with the concepts behind communism.


I win

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I do, especially over here we had several by electionions do to corruption here.. just think they did have a majority but not any more... Canada's Politics is weird.. Edited by Thor.
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