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The last poster wins


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For my PE class in High School we went across the street to the YMCA and played any number of sports such as kickball, volleyball, basketball, frolf, extreme double-dutch, or my favorite: wall-ey ball 8) (volleyball in a racquetball room, where the ball is allowed to bounce off the walls - except on a serve). It was fun except it was my first class of the day so I was always sweating like a pig through Anatomy and because we were at a public place during peak exercise hours for the elderly, we learned you cannot un-see old men in locker rooms tea-bagging the floor when they crouch down to open their lockers. :sick:



YUP Pagafyr, you win a chocolate. Everyone else gets an electric shock. BAZINGA!

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I was playing Gran Turismo today, and I was online. I found myself in an online lobby that had no restrictions on tuning, so I brought out probably my most potent race car, my Ferrari F10 Formula One. Able to go from a dead stop to 60 MP/H and to a stop again in under 100 metres, and turn like a fighter jet, it's pretty much the fastest car you can bring to an unrestricted lobby. There ARE faster cars in my garage, but they're for special events and only.


Well, it turned out this lobby was full of newbey tuners in badly turned-out honda civics and other old bangs, with crappy low profile tyres being the only real performance additive. I knew what I was facing as soon as the loading screen came up, but by then it was too late to bring something more their level. As I rolled onto the grid next to a 20 year old Honda CRX, I felt genuinely a little ashamed. I won by a margin of over 6 minutes.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Hey look at that, we're at 27k. I'm coming down with a cold, kindly passed on to me by my husband and youngest daughter. Wonderfully nice of them to share don't you think...


I hate colds as they interfere with the thought processes soooooo much and I have enough problems with those as it is.


:wallbash: :rolleyes: :facepalm:

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It's a shame that one never comes down with a condition that is called, "A hot".


I can't imagine why the creator did not call it that, unless, http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif "I can't make it to work today I have a hot."


Don't you just think it sounds better when you say, "I have a cold."


You know it just doesn't sounds better when I hear, "I have a cold for you."

Instead of, "I have the hot's for you!" http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/devil.gif


I WIN ! Cause I have the cold to do so. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

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Today I have......geography, english, RE, maths and double ICT. Not bad. :dance:

Advanced animation x2 Photography and film x2 and Internet Tech x 2

Additionally meeting up with my professor before school to talk about my project.


This sounds so epic when I write it, but we're really just doing some noob animations in flash and doing stuff in Adobe Premiere. Int. Tech is like I said learning sentences of definitions that you will never need and then getting graded on how well you can cram stuff in your head. Which I am particularly, extremely bad at.


Anyway, Red Faction: Armageddon is 5€ on Steam, maybe I'll get that.



And good morning to everyone :D

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