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One man's meat is another's poison, what one person likes another may not, but we don't disrespect their choices as I would hope you would not do either :thumbsup:


Gaming, like many other things, is subjective and down to personal choice. If one is going to express an opinion one should do it with constructive argument and maybe criticism, whilst explaining the good things also.


This way you don't come across as being crass and insensitive to others around you :)

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Aye, but there are some games that are simply bad. And the most recent red faction ranks among those. Though it canot rank those rarified horrors, such as Superman 64, White Men Can't Jump, and *shudder* Leisure Suit Larry: box office bust, it is simply bad. Unreliable, poorly designed, and extremely shallow, it's a crass, simplistic and rather thuggish game that gives the shooter genre a bad name.


Consider this; Spec Ops; The Line. This is an example of what a shooting game should be; on the one hand, it's a typical shooter, you're a US serviceman, on a mission, in a combat zone. But on the other hand, it's full of some very poignant emotional moments, and some truly remarkable moral choices. It asks important questions aswell, and focuses more on the horrors of war, than glorifying it. I didn't enjoy playing this game, if I'm honest. The controls were shoddey, the combat was sub-standard. BUT, what it did have was a truly exceptional story. It felt more like being part of a novel than anything else, albeit a novel where you're partially in control. Your actions matter, and more than any game I've ever played, The Line really forces you to make tough decisions, some of which you can find yourself genuinely regretting.


Halo is a Good shooting game. If The Line is a dark, gritty thriller, then Halo is more of a classic sci-fi. Beautiful alien landscapes, an amazingly fleshed-out universe, a truly memorable soundtrack, a good story, and brilliant combat. Halo isn't an especially complex game, nor is it outstandingly modern, but it does have, is exceptional combat and gameplay, and a world you instantly feel part of. It's very heavy on combat, but it makes sense. You're essentially marrooned on an alien space station, surrounded by merciless alien threats0fighting is literally your only means of survival, and later, saving the galaxy from the monstrous weapon at the station's heart.


Rogue Warriors is a bad shooting game. Astonishingly foul-mouthed, chauvanistic and blatantly anti-communist, you play as an ugly, repulsive American who's goal in life seems to be to murder as many communists as possible, primarily South Koreans, who are portraid as stupid, and blind. The hideously flawed AI, blatantly racist and anti-communist "plot" and abysmal unreliability mean you can't simply put this down to taste, it's bad. Just bad.


Red Faction is a bad shooting game. Unlike genre mate Halo, it's combat seems gratuitous. It's not explained at all-you're a nearly unexplained human, fighting hordes on unexplained aliens on Mars. Certainly the Aliens are hunting down humanity-but it's their planet, and they've a lot more right to it than humans do. Yet this is made no mention of-it's essentially a game glorifying genocide, since it rewards you primarily, for massacering the native creatures of a world you have no right to claim as your own, and glorying in slaughtering sometimes defnecless aliens. There's also the problem that it's just not fun or engaging. Despite being little different on face-value to other shooters, it just lacks so much of what makes a good shooter. It's not a matter of taste, it's simply an inferior product.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Oh! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ohmy.gif That again!


I WIN! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif




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