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HAH! If you want to see a bad book-to-movie, look at WarHammer. It started selling books based on the universe in the late '90s I think it was, and I've been reading them, being a big Sci-Fi fan; The writing quality and style varies massively between authors, but is generally very good(it's certainly never bad, but there are som truly special writers whos stories show a notable quality jump) but it also tends to tackle darker themes, the "40K" universe is a universe in decline; mankind is in it's twighlight, attacked on all fronts from aliens, disease, a rampant cultural corrosion, and the forces of hell itself. It's stories should, theoretically, be dark ones, and writers like Dan Abnett and James Swallow capture that perfecty. It's stories tend to be very character driven rather than plot driven, with a focuson complicated, three dimensional characters with in-depth strengths and weaknesses, and les emphasis placed on effects or action. When this works, it works beautifully, creating memorable heroes-and villains-that you end up genuinely attached to.


Now, with that in mind, when making a movie, you'd have oped they'd consult their best authors. That they'd use existing characters and base the story around the strengths of the universe-about the last few good people standing against evil, regardless of how impossible victory is. Is that what they did? NOPE! The result was a platitudinal horror, with a plot ressembling Star Wars, tawdry visual effects, and an emphasis on huge burley blue men shouting SHPESS MAHREEENZZ!!! Which many fans would consider some of the universe' weakest points. See, their biggest mistake was choosing to make the protagonists Ultramarines. These guys may be on the cover-but they're also boring, samey and have none of the darker, emotional drama of other factions. If they'd made a decent attempt at a plot, and used say, the Dark Angels, they'd have had a much better chance. The Ultramarines are basically a bunch of school prefect types, they're all perfect and rule bound. The Dark Angels are pitiless avengers driven to zealotry to expunge the memory of their own betrayel of their beloved empire in centuries past, and with some notable refferences to Shaespear's King Lear in their leadership structure.


TL;DR is that basically they took one of the biggest, richest and deepest fantasy universes in the world, and made a story about men in blue powersuits fighting bad guys who were much, much more interesting than them. /FANRAGE

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I still haven't watched both series of Game of Thrones all the way through yet. I watched series 1 from episode 1 to 4 and didn't watch it after that due to a conflict of interests at the time.


I love books and miss them terribly, however, at times I end up falling asleep and forgetting what it was I just read. I can read the same thing 3 or more times and not remember, I give up and leave it for a while in the hope that I suddenly start to make sense of it at a later day.


Sad but true

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I'm so tired, but i can't sleep because I'm hungry.. Worst feeling when your tired http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif



While we're talking about sleep, I feel dead. I want to eat brains and just stand around doing nothing, maybe limp a bit from one point to another.

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When I lived in Brisbane most of the dogs I saw were warm-weather breeds. In Brisbane you can go outdoors any time of the year without protective clothing, since the humidity and subtropical climate mean it never gets lower than the high teens celcius. Most dogs were from within a narrow band of breeds that like hot weather-Kangals, Blue Heelers, Kelpies, Boxers, dogs with short fur and an ability to withstand humid 100 degree farenheit summer days. When I moved to Melbourne, which has frost, and cold winters, and even snow in the mountains, i started seeing breeds I'd never even heard of before, like Akita-Inu's(a big fluffy beast, my neighbour has a young pair... they're truly adorable) But today I saw a dog I did not even immediately recognise as a dog. I was sufficiently curious as to ask the owner exactly what i was looking at-she said he was an Ovcharka.


Well, he was the funniest looking dog I've ever seen-cute, but funny. More bear than dog, with so much fur you could make a hat or ten from the moult. He was big too... really really big, like a St. Bernard-I've never seen anything like 'em-I guess you learn something every day.

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Sounds really sweet :D


Yeah, i love dogs. When I was growing up my family had a Blue Heeler and a Golden/Lab cross, both sweet, sweet creatures, though the 'heeler was a lunatic. Blue Heelers are a smallish Australian working dog, they really are blue, but sort of a grey blue colour, like faded denim. They're lovely, but they have a penchant for craziness, jumping around, running in circles, and generally being goofy. From what I could find on wiki, an Ovcharka is a Russian breed, also known as a Caucasian Shepherd. Apparently they're a huge, long-lived breed coming from the (stunning)Caucasus region, and they are useful as guard dogs, show dogs, and sheep dogs. And I would think, living bolsters. According to the temperament information, they sound like a challenge to keep-apparently they're very smart, but extremely territorial and defensive, having for a long time been used as a guard dog/bear hunter. Apparently you need to invest a lot in training them, and socialising them from a young age, or they can be very fierce. The other thing it made mention of was that they can grow to massive sizes, easily tipping the scales at 120 pounds, and that they can live out to exceptional ages.



That's the closest image to what i saw.

Edited by Vindekarr
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