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Paris Motor Show today, and one really great thing has already been shown; that almost everything on the floor is either a hybrid, or pure electric.


Even the spoirts cars were joining in; McLaren's incredibly fast and incredibly pretty P1 may have about ten times the power of a family car, but under the hood, it's a hybrid, meraning it has an electric motor as well as a petrol one, while the main engine shuts down 4 of it's pistons when not racing, all to improve fuel economy. Mercedes tookj this even further, producing a pure electric version of their SLS supert car. At the other end of the spectrum Hyundai introduced the first ever hydrogen powered road car, which produces no emmissions directly, and uses no fossil fuels. While hydro-powered cars have existed since the 2000s, this is the first that can be bought be joe citizens, let alone the first affordable one.


Basically the environment is suddenly in fashion, and so are retractable spoilers.

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David Unaipon's 140th today. A Black Australian who made a vast contribution to both science and society, from highlighting and working against Australia's quiet apartheid during the early 20th century, to designing a workable helicopter during WW1. It's one thing to be a genius inventor or to influence a society away from it's corrupt malpractices; it's quite another to be both. Just figured I'd mention this, he's a figure little known, globally, but very worthy of renown.
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