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Ooops :biggrin:



That's me in a nutshell lol

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I mean it, I leave pieces of me all over the place... One day I'll run out of things to leave and there'll be nothing left
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I have been delinquent for awhile. Matters of the Internet Wires to my house from the pole out in the alley were getting attention via a CenturyLink foreman working on Saturday. He understood what I was saying about the problem I was having but could not see what I was describing. Hel drove his truck across town up to the alley to see the description.


Now the wires will be replaced if necessary and moved so the Internet wire does not rub again the power companies wires above the Internet line. I explained it to their other technician like it was a person rubbing two tree branches together and the bark coming off of the weaker one.


The foreman understood when he saw where I had put an extra large light wieght electrical water pipe cover made of a non-conductive material so the line would not get shorted out if the wires protective coat had been stripped clean off by the thick braided steel support wire that gave the power companies two coated wires extra support.


When Monday is here and they replace or at least move the lines apart far enough to make sure they don't rub against each other anymore that day then...




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