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The last poster wins


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Ah nothing like Dragon Age quotes to make you smile. :P

I'm off to bed now I think. I'm feeling much less pissed off at the world.


This is the last thing I listened to. I mean, I was playing but in particular I was listening because I know the party banter is always hilarious.


Carver: Why is it always about sex with you?

Isabela: It's not. Sometimes it's about sex with other people.

Carver: You see? It comes up every single time we talk.

Isabela: We're just talking, Carver. If it comes up, that's not my fault.

Carver: What? I mean... that's not what I meant. It... it doesn't!

Carver: I hate you so much.


Reminds me so much of Alistair at times like this :D They have the same "schoolboy" charm about sex don't they lol

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STAPIT! Carver is a man!


I win


Yes he is but he's only young late teens early twenties, still at that awkward age. An amazing character that had a great deal of scope that, to me, wasn't utilised. The Dragon Age series is my favourite series of games so far :D

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Ugh, there was a recall today.


And you know what that means? that means I spend all bloody day on the telephone saying "no sir, this only applies to American customers" "no Ma'am this only applies to Hondas" and "No sir we are NOT a pet shop" In the US Honda' recalled ONE tiny component on the Accord because it MIGHT, MIGHT leak. But people never react logically to this, they read the headline, notice they own a Honda, and panic. I had one woman in today who refused to leave until I painstakingly checked every hose in her Honda Fit. :facepalm: Nothing was wrong ofcourse, but she was in something of a panic because she'd "heard" it "might catch fire" :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


Now, if only it would, so I wouldn't have to listen to their bloody whining. Sometimes I hate my job. :devil:

Edited by Vindekarr
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