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So I thought it was just Mass Effect 3's single player that was left unfinished at launch but it seems the multiplayer was rushed too: http://blog.bioware.com/2012/10/04/mass-effect-3-retaliation-multiplayer-dlc/

:armscrossed: I don't like this statement.

Sorry that's my super Bioware fan coming out. Lol


If anyone is interested, software is now available on Steam. The first few programs look interesting, I'm intrigued.There's also 3D Mark and it's 10% off, so if anyone wants to get that thing go for it now.Link for lazy people: http://store.steampowered.com/software

I saw that. Looks interesting indeed.

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Well the DLC is free, many ME3 DLC's were free. I see really no reason to complain, it's like a patch but they just call it DLC. And the SP wasn't unfinished, it was great if you can ignore the ending which was fixed anyway.

Let's not go into ME3 territory again. I had enough debates of it for this year.


Anyway I DL/ed this Game Studio thing or whatever it's called from Steam. The first look was nice at least. If I wouldn't have millions of things to do I'd try and experiment more, which I will end up doing anyway.


Also, Metro 2033 is 2.5€ on Steam if anyone wants it. Great game, highly recommend it. One of my favorite FPS games.

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I can't believe my new psychiatrist, she wants to cure my sex addiction.


That's the only addiction I don't want to cure :(


Some tipps>

- If she is making a loot of reports for other patients > Change Psychiatrist ASAP > In this case the insurance company is the one closer to the Psychiatrists bank account, unless you are paying yourself.

- If the Psychiatrists has a certificate in Neurology aswell and is trying to give you new or more of medicamentation> check if the medicamentation is really needed (common sense), if else > Change Psychiatrist ASAP, see reason above (it is the same money fleecing)!

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