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i almost forgot how good the half Life 2 engine was, I mean i don't see any jagging or anything, proper light sourcing and smoke from chimneys. Edited by Thor.
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I agree about the arguments(and this will be my last because the proof is in the pudding of shame), but you pretty much said it yourself, "if you can ignore the ending which was fixed anyway." The game was release too early for whatever reason, this is not an opinion, the quality of the finished product is an opinion, but through all of their marketing and 'support' BioWare has proven that they are still finishing the game.The free DLC is nice, but I would have preferred it on disc rather than it coming out as a bandage on BioWare's injured integrity. I mean since when has BioWare or EA passed up a chance to nickle and dime the frick out of their games, like the gratuitous number of DLCs for Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 2. It's just really frustrating to see THE one company that I had full faith in for most of my gaming life, fall short in such an epic way because they released a game too early.


Off-topic for a bit but ME3 was given an extendtion and had two studios working on it. To suggest that somehow they run out of money and time because of an ending that a certain section of a larger community disliked is far-fetch (aka correlation does not equal casualisation). Let's not play armchair analysis, when we don't know how the compnay works and where zots go.


I win

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"A text message from a friend distracts you for just one second. Your car covers the distance equivalent to four and a half soccer (football) fields during that time."


...while leaving behind a mass of blood and bone because you took your eyes off the road and ploughed down several hundred pedestrians :psyduck:

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