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http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif I have been checking a STEAM download to see if the game updates are complete. I saw the KiloBytes per second hit a 472.00 KBps and my 1.5 Mbps *thats Mega bits per second* is rated in Kilo Bytes at 256 KBps. (notice the capital letters KB) Someone at the ISP is clearly going out of their minds with nothing better to do then crank up the KB to Mb, (notice the lowercase b) rate of download speed. If that ISP speed were accurate (Let me remind myself about the math here.) There are 8 bits in 1 Byte so 1. 5 Mbps is actually 256 KBps.


1.5 Mbps can be seen hitting speeds of 3 to 5 times faster than 56.6 KBps. I just saw the maximum speed rate of download go 6 times faster, once I even saw it hit KBps at nearly 8 times faster than 56.6 KBps.


Here's the reason I am bringing this up. The download updating the game is still is taking nearly 30 minutes just to download 1% of the game setup files and patch.


Some Caw Razy ISP Tech must be having a great time explaining to their Mom why shes going to have to wait until Wednesday afternoon to get back to her, Now very Modern version of XCOM.


I would not want to be that child. ROFLOL

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Great now the kettles broke and I can't have a coffee!http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/rtfm/t2416.gif


You could always use a pan on a stove, just remember to put water in the pan first :D :D :D

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Great now the kettles broke and I can't have a coffee!http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/rtfm/t2416.gif


You could always use a pan on a stove, just remember to put water in the pan first :D :D :D

:psyduck: Oh ye I didn't think of that :tongue: If that doesn't deserve a kudos nothing does :thumbsup:

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Good morning everyone.


Hope everyone's doing fine. I'm off to the educational facility of doom. :P


You're welcome :D

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Lately Myy stomach has been acting up ever sense thanksgiving, and i don't blame the piiee either... Washrrom back and fourth every 30m woop. Driving meeeee CRRRAAAAAZZZZZYYYYYY!!!!


now picture a goliath saying that lol.


Something didn't agree with me, and it wasn't the pie.. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif

Edited by Thor.
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