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Any ways to stay awake during work, tips and tricks like slapping yourself as staff oddly look at you weird . NNaahh not my type of thing, pepsi, pepsi pepsi pepsi pepsi pepsi, pepsi pepsi pepsi pepsi pepsi, pepsi pepsi pepsi pepsi pepsi, pepsi pepsi pepsi pepsi pepsi, pepsi pepsi pepsi pepsi


They say chocolate bars help to...sfasdfdfgfadfsgfds


Also come back





Top gear 3000 eats it for lunch... It was a true sim back in the day, had a career mode..

Edited by Thor.
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Pepsi's really good as it has caffeine in it. Chocolate whilst being a feel good food (has serotonin in which is released by the brain during certain activities and makes you feel happy) can also have the adverse affect of making you feel tired after a while once the affect of the serotonin wears off. Ice cold water on the wrists and back of the neck will help in the short term and there are a few herbal remedies that can be taken as a pep-u-up but it depends whether you can get to a chemist or drug store or herbal shop before work...


Other than that keep the window open, if you are entitled to breaks in the morning and afternoon, walk around outside and try to keep yourself stimulated as monotonous chores will speed up the sleep reflexes.


Good luck and hope to speak to you later :D

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WORK WORK WORK WWORK WORK WORK WORK WORK WORKfgfgrdesfjgrdefkld;jfd;fjdfjldsfjld


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