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LOL don't tell anyone i said that http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif Its a secret http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif
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I am honored to say I am done with the video game, "Dishonored" for the day. I just could not bring myself to quit playing the game. I started at 7:00 PM and played until 8:00 AM MDT non-Stop.


I want all those neat powers, I want all the gadgets there is to get, and I don't care how dishonored it makes me feel.


Oh! Wait! I already took the garbage out. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif




I so want that game. Is it any good? What do you think of it? It looks so amazing, is it worth getting? If so I'll have to start saving up :D


I am intrigued by the story, much more so since it adds information about the wonders of what Herman Melville might have written more about so we readers could understand another point of view about whaling and the lives of those people that live doing that. If it were a book I would say, "Definitely a must read" if it were a comic book, "Fascinating and well done". It is a video game I will add to the treasures chest.I am leaving as a memorial of what gave people a reason to live the way they do.



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I thought Dishonored would be good but I didn't think it would be so thought provoking. Hmm maybe I'll see if I can get rid of something so I can get it. If I do, Bethesda/Zenimax owes you a commission Pagafyr. :thumbsup: I assume you got it for PC, right?
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NASE... ahme sorry typo... NASA Confirmed Kepler 22 B 1st on February 2011

This one http://www.nasa.gov/...11/11-99AR.html

Well it is possible but why the fry Alpha Centauri B?

I have Scifi stories from before 1980 that play out a possible alien meets human scenario with this system.

Edit Here another Article on Science 2.0 about the new exoplanet

Edited by SilverDNA
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