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After playing Borderlands 2 for awhile I have gained this new thought style.


Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray the people around me are smart enough not to disturb me

or I will buy an electric sheep


to protect me next time, with big metal fangs, razor wire instead of wool, and hooves with shock tabs on their ends to drive off anyone while I dream of all the neat, cool, insane, sane, modders, gamers, and nice friends I have at this site.


I turned 63 today.



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Double science today :down:


Then PSHE :mellow:


Then Business studies :)


Then maths o_O


Then French 8)

Double Premiere audio/video editing

Double German

Double Math


Today shall be a boring day. At least it's Friday.

What are you doing during PSHE? We don't have that here.

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My 14 yr old son had a booster yesterday for diphtheria, tetanus and polio. He now can't move his arm, feels sick and has a temperature. He's rolling round the sofa as if he's been hit by a truck. Its so true, men truly are the world's worst patients :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Damn straight, we turn into big babies whenever confronted by needles, normally I abhor any sort of gender stereotype, but that one's an exception 'cause it's true.


I've been playing XCOM today, and it's a game I've been paying close attention to. Not only because it requires a lot of concentration, but also because I'm trying to work out what it's creators used to make it such an emotionally effecting game. XCOM gives you feels, basically. One way is obvious-permadeath. Not yours, but your soldiers-you feel a genuine responsibility to them because they're not just blue dots, they've all got names, voices, career paths, and when they die, they're gone forever, which sucks for them, but is one of the most interesting design decisions I've seen in a while. The aliens aswell I think, they're well, very alien. And because they're so dangerous and the stakes are so high, they're genuinely frightening like few video game baddies I've ever met.


The Warrior in Borderlands 2 is a three hundred foot tall dragon made of Lava. He isn't scary because you feel so powerful; he's just another enemy and he's also full of loot. If he beats you, you will lose some money and be able to fight him again. The Mutons in XCOM are 7 foot tall humanoids in exosuits. Compared, visually, compared to other scifi aliens like the Xenomorphs from the Alien films, they're pretty tame. But they're smart, hugely well armoured, and they can easily kill your best soldiers if you give them a single tiny opening, and if they die, that's it. Something about that is effecting on an emotional level, it really works.

Edited by Vindekarr
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