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I've got all mine off this week. Half term :facepalm:


I still think that school should be mandatory 50 weeks a year :D :D

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I still think that school should be mandatory 50 weeks a year :D :D

:armscrossed: There are 52 weeks in a year :armscrossed:


I'd prefer a job over school, but to get a job I need to finish school so there's that. School feels so useless currently. I could be teaching myself the important stuff right now, all we do in school is things I knew or could have learned in a very short amount of time.


I'd give everything if I could go to a proper school outside of Croatia. The thing we have here is bs discipline, not knowledge and education :dry: People always tell me that I'm a rebel when it comes to me hating school, it's not just that I hate school, it's just the fact that I want good education out of it. Something I most likely won't get over here.


Thank god for the Internet I say. Free education all over the place :D

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lv000 you should see how school is where I live. :)



I just read a bit about it on the net, sounds pretty much like the thing we have here. (Scratch that, it's different the more I read about it) Care to explain a bit more?

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I still think that school should be mandatory 50 weeks a year :D :D

:armscrossed: There are 52 weeks in a year :armscrossed:


I'd prefer a job over school, but to get a job I need to finish school so there's that. School feels so useless currently. I could be teaching myself the important stuff right now, all we do in school is things I knew or could have learned in a very short amount of time.


I'd give everything if I could go to a proper school outside of Croatia. The thing we have here is bs discipline, not knowledge and education :dry: People always tell me that I'm a rebel when it comes to me hating school, it's not just that I hate school, it's just the fact that I want good education out of it. Something I most likely won't get over here.


Thank god for the Internet I say. Free education all over the place :D


Gotta let you have some time off, maybe a week in the summer and a week for Christmas... Not that cruel lol

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My time at high school left me with sufficiently bad memories that leave me in no doubt I'll privately educate my children. There's a also decent sized piece of bone missing from my right elbow from where I was thrown onto a tarmac courtyard by a student twice my weight, simply for not handing over cab fair money. I don't know what schools are like in sunny old England, but in Australia they're something most children either dread, due to a number of serious problems. Teachers are woefully undertrained and there just aren't enough of them. The buildings are so old they're falling apart, and most don't have the spare funding for proper sports programs.


The other cardinal problem is just how violent students are allowed to be. When I was in fifth grade a student ended up going home with a broken nose and eyesocket after a group of bullies decided fists weren't enough, and used a rock the size of a baseball to hit her over the head with. No action was ever taken against them. And that's a recurring story, the only time I saw a bully get in any sort of trouble was for bringing a knife into things. That wasn't even acted on by the school, but, bless them, the MMPD.


And as if the fact it's bad for your health wasn't enough, the lack of funding is truly shocking. The high school I went to was one of the best funded in the city but had a library the size of garage, with all of four shelves. Textbooks and stationary supplies were BYO, and one of the buildings was off-limits because it didn't pass fire inspection. Some of the mandatory schooling crierias just couldn't be done properly either, such as chemistry, which was left out since the bunsen burners burnt about as well as wet wool.


Perhaps the most offensive part was the mandatory bible studies class. It was disgusting, of my class of 9 we had two Muslims and a Budhist, I think the rest were aetheists or undecided. No Christians in the whole bunch of them, yet they, we were all made to sit through an hour of bible studies and even occasionally made to recite prayers. I don't think I'll ever forget seeing this poor damn Muslim girl being threatened with suspension for refusing to read verses from the bible, probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.


So yes, by all means, make children suffer in an unregulated, violent place where they learn almost nothing and are at the mercy of adults of extremely questionable ethics and politics. Make them do it for 50 weeks a year. And watch the next generation of mentally broken, spiritually deprived and violence-desensitised citizens rise up to take our places. I just love the thought of a generation who grew up force fed other's beliefs and fearing potential hospitalising injury on a daily basis, just imagine how a child who's spent 50 weeks of every year from 6 to 19 in a violent, unpleasent place they hate, would solve difficult problems? How they would react to violence?



That world would like something like this.

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