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I have got to say, I don't think I'm a very good Australian.


Whenever people on TV say "hurrr all Australians must be durrrr right now" I'm not. I was born here, even though I consider myself English, maybe even American rather than Australian due to my cultural upbringing and life's experiences. I DO think it's an unbelievably beautiful countrym geographically, and I am a patriot in the sense that I do what I as a single citizen can to influence politics positively, but I can't for the life of me bring myself to the feelings of "patriotism" that others do. This weekend is the Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, and motorcyclists have swarmed like locusts to come be here. It's just a bridge away so I'll be there, but it's also significant for some because Australian double-world-champ Casey Stoner will be riding his home GP for the last time. The day one telecast was on today and it was full of comments like "all Australia must be behind #27 right now" and "All these home fans must surely be wishing him on" But I just couldn't se what they were talking about. He may be Australian but I couldn't give an ass about Stoner-he's skilled, but he's also small-minded, mean spirited, mysognystic and more than anything else, a pathological whingeypants.


During the Olympics, I often found myself jeering for Australia, due to "our" Athlete's miserable performance, arrogant attitudes and shear boganistic stupidity(though they WERE still better than New Zealand who managed to burn their HQ down trying to cook sausages) Does this make me not a very good Australian? I think it must 'cause the first thing that comes to mind when I think of "our" nation is truly shocking racial repression and miserable misgovernment.

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Well I am British and the only patriotism in this country comes from big fat bald men getting drunk in the pub watching the football...then fighting! Culture is completely on it's arse here and don't even get me started on the politics. Weather is bad, crime is bad, education is bad etc etc etc.


I feel alienated in my own country because i'm not a stupid drunken druggy bald rasist yob. You should be thankful for you have.

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"Ita est, Lucili; paucos servitus, plures servitutem tenet."

"It is true, Lucilius, a few are held by servitude, but the majority holds on to slavery."


Epistulae Morales 22, 11

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