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Thats a bit mean saying that you hate its people...


Depends how bad they are really.

There's a group of people just waiting for me to come by my school alone so they can throw insults at me. People change partners all the time, just like that. Nobody cares about other's feelings anymore. Gossiping everywhere, the mean kind. Intolerance, inhumanity and general stupidity all over the place.


I'm sorry if I sounded rude, hate is a strong word indeed. But if those people would know me a bit better, sexuality wise especially, they would do much much more than just hate me.


I really just want for people to be ethical and have some humanity. But I can't find that anywhere anymore :(

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You can't get to WvW or PvP? How about trying the Hall of Monuments teleportation stone?:( This is really stupid, the map itself is frustrating enough as it is. And I can't seem to find anything on how to fix this either. I'll try searching around a bit more, I hope you sent a ticket already.

Yeah I sent a ticket I've been looking around as well. Don't think I have my hall of monuments stone, doubt it would work since they marked the place as a dungeon. Maybe with luck when I log in today I'll appear on nice solid land. We can only hope. :P


There's a group of people just waiting for me to come by my school alone so they can throw insults at me. People change partners all the time, just like that. Nobody cares about other's feelings anymore. Gossiping everywhere, the mean kind. Intolerance, inhumanity and general stupidity all over the place.I'm sorry if I sounded rude, hate is a strong word indeed. But if those people would know me a bit better, sexuality wise especially, they would do much much more than just hate me.I really just want for people to be ethical and have some humanity. But I can't find that anywhere anymore :(

You've got us! :P

Gimme their names I'll beat em up for you :P Ya know I'd only have to fly across an entire ocean to do it xD

Don't let them get to you. Asshats will be asshats.

Okay... I ranted a bit about the few people I didn't like. Actually that most people didn't like. Kind of spawned off of what Iv000 was saying. So... I put it in spoilers.


I have to say my school, mostly my class was weird. We didn't have the typical groups. Pretty much everyone got along. There was maybe two or three people who no one liked, and they kind of deserved that. It wasn't like people were mean to them, not usually. Well one was treated bad but... Well to be completely honest he really did deserve it. You can't be an a**hole to people and expect them to like you.(One was so full of herself, she thought she was just the best musician and artist ever. And she was creepily obsessive. People tried to be nice to her. Another was an a**hole to people. This is the one that I say karma came and got him. Its horrible but, he got hit by a truck one day and was in the hospital for a while. [aaaannnnnnnd I maaaayyyy have said get hit by a truck the day before it happened. That's what happens when you stick gum on someone. I probably would have punched him in the face if the teacher wasn't watching. Imagine the surprise when I come back from a week of vacation to learn that he was in the hospital after getting hit by a truck. Yeah I shouldn't say bad things about people. Apparently it happens.] Even after that happened he was still an ass to everyone. And he even bragged about how he almost beat the record for how far he was flung when hit by a vehicle. Omfg really? You almost die and you brag about it? Idiot. And... well he's done some really stupid things... Named a character in his English project Phuq. I think you can imagine how he pronounced it as he read it to the class. There's also the time he decided to talk about how he wouldn't blow the school up he would use incendiary bombs and burn us. He was the one that got the worst treatment. And the other was talkative. And he didn't know what was appropriate to say and what wasn't. He was... Socially awkward I suppose, but was one of those people who tried to force his friendship onto people. At worst people yelled at him to shut up. He was always arguing with teachers. Especially our science teacher because his religion conflicted with EVERYTHING.) I'll stop while I'm ahead because getting into religious stuff tends to piss me off. I don't hate religion, I hate zealots.



Edit: Ironman the 4th is kinda like the other sequels. Not as good as the first but still... creepy. I liked it but I know a lot of people didn't.

Edited by K00L
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As far as horror films go they aren't THAT bad...until the end where they get too far fetched. That's the problem with a lot of films though, knowing how to end them is a fine art which many movie makers can't seem to tap into sadly, I know they are also kind of leeching of the Blair Witch Project fake amateur style but that's the only format that seems to get any sort of fear factor out of me as mild as it is :tongue:


EDIT: Speaking of which if the silent hill 2 trailers are anything to go by it looks like they botched that one up, chalk up another game-to-movie flop! 3D?!?! please!

Edited by Ironman5000
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