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Just kidding, 3D now is no better than the first two attempts at making it the standard. People with glasses or corrective lenses still have trouble feeling the effect and most movies still rely on those hokey "WHOA! It''s coming right at you!" effects. BOO 3D!


For example:

The Dark Knight Rises cinematography was way better than the Avengers, mostly because it wasn't shot for 3D so the fight scenes weren't hampered by that, "hold on Scarlet, we need you to stand this way so your butt comes out of the screen, LIKE BABOOM, yeah and same for you Chris Hemsworth. Yes, same for you hadfhsakdfldsafdkhssdlajh."

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There's a group of people just waiting for me to come by my school alone so they can throw insults at me. People change partners all the time, just like that. Nobody cares about other's feelings anymore. Gossiping everywhere, the mean kind. Intolerance, inhumanity and general stupidity all over the place.I'm sorry if I sounded rude, hate is a strong word indeed. But if those people would know me a bit better, sexuality wise especially, they would do much much more than just hate me.I really just want for people to be ethical and have some humanity. But I can't find that anywhere anymore :(

You've got us! :P

Gimme their names I'll beat em up for you :P Ya know I'd only have to fly across an entire ocean to do it xD

Don't let them get to you. Asshats will be asshats.

Yup :P The Nexus is the epic place of the internet where all the great people go to :biggrin:

Lol, I don't think you can handle five 18 year olds. I don't think both of us would handle them :P You know, the head shaved bald, wears chains and looks like a murderer kind of people.



I mean, that guy who is the most frightening looks at me all the time when I or he passes by. Obviously, people like that would hate homosexuals. But I'm closeted so it's not that :/ And I don't look nor do I behave in any unusual way, I'd say I behave more straight than the straight guys here. (Some guys here shave their legs, listen to pop music and have a ton of gel in their hair. THEN they go around and tell offensive gay jokes, bi*** please go back under your rock.) Idk why these guys target me, like I went to get coffee with two of my friends during break then sat down at a bench with both. Then the guy I told about before passes by and looks at me in this ' I'm gunna rape yah ' way. My best friend who was sitting next to me even said she noticed that he was looking strange at me.


Idk. Asshats I guess.



I have put it in a spoiler, it's a bit too rant-ish.

Edited by Iv000
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@Iv000: Take some comfort in the fact when you get older you will be happy. When they do they will be in prison, addicted to drugs, in a hovel, dead, alone, or worse. People like that don't live happy lives. In a few years time you will walk down the street to see these people alone as shells of the people you know them as now - this is from personal experience, it's quite liberating :tongue:
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Ironman, don't worry my gynoid version of Scarlet Johansson, ScarJo 5000 will be rolling off the production line pretty soon so you should just wait for that.


Note: The list price will be $19.95 (1990's Australian Dollars) and shipping and handling will be three installments of £1,000,000 and two installments of €4,200. The shipping will be express overnight but the handling takes quite a long time :biggrin: .


WARNING:Any malfunction or maiming of user's body parts is not covered in the three hour warranty.


Caution: Use of the ScarJo 5000 may result in side effects such as dryness of mouth, itchy watery eyes, erectile dysfunction, headache, diarrhea, constipation, bad gas milage, imporferate anus, feelings of inadequacy, priapism, spontaneous combustion or alopecia of the armpit, equine birth defects, high property tax rate, gallstones, night sweats, irritation of the earlobe, hairballs, strange dreams, wanting to bite shiny metal asses, fratricidal thoughts or actions, computer viruses, or googling "rusty trombone".


Important: If the ScarJo 5000 refers to you as a "meatbag" or a "meat bicycle" it is recommended that you contact your dental hygienist within four to six hours of first utterance. If the condition persists call 1800CALLATT for Carrot Top, he'll know what to do. For erections lasting longer than four hours it is recommended that you think of old lady arm-fat wings, baseball, or Carrot Top.


Contact your plumber to see if the ScarJo 5000 is right for you.

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@Iv000: Take some comfort in the fact when you get older you will be happy. When they do they will be in prison, addicted to drugs, in a hovel, dead, alone, or worse. People like that don't live happy lives. In a few years time you will walk down the street to see these people alone as shells of the people you know them as now - this is from personal experience, it's quite liberating :tongue:

Thanks for making my day :D


I pity them though. They'll always stay small-minded and never get to see life's true beauty.

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Sigh the only thing i saw in 3d was avatar, and i did see the avengers in 3d and amazing spiderman, although nothing compared to avatar and james cameron 3d,. you can literally look beside you and see things floating and stuff, it was a unique experience. Edited by Thor.
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FACT: 85% of the population of Earth are dicks, zealots, and/or morons.

I wrote a long essay just now, but it boils down to the above statement.

That is so true. :P


As far as horror films go they aren't THAT bad...until the end where they get too far fetched. That's the problem with a lot of films though, knowing how to end them is a fine art which many movie makers can't seem to tap into sadly, I know they are also kind of leeching of the Blair Witch Project fake amateur style but that's the only format that seems to get any sort of fear factor out of me as mild as it is :tongue:EDIT: Speaking of which if the silent hill 2 trailers are anything to go by it looks like they botched that one up, chalk up another game-to-movie flop! 3D?!?! please!

The ending of the Paranormal Activity movies tend to be the best parts. But I know what you mean. They can be really good and then some weirdness happens at the end and... Blegh there goes the movie.


Yup :P The Nexus is the epic place of the internet where all the great people go to :biggrin: Lol, I don't think you can handle five 18 year olds. I don't think both of us would handle them :P You know, the head shaved bald, wears chains and looks like a murderer kind of people.

I mean, that guy who is the most frightening looks at me all the time when I or he passes by. Obviously, people like that would hate homosexuals. But I'm closeted so it's not that :/ And I don't look nor do I behave in any unusual way, I'd say I behave more straight than the straight guys here. (Some guys here shave their legs, listen to pop music and have a ton of gel in their hair. THEN they go around and tell offensive gay jokes, bi*** please go back under your rock.) Idk why these guys target me, like I went to get coffee with two of my friends during break then sat down at a bench with both. Then the guy I told about before passes by and looks at me in this ' I'm gunna rape yah ' way. My best friend who was sitting next to me even said she noticed that he was looking strange at me.Idk. Asshats I guess.

I have put it in a spoiler, it's a bit too rant-ish.

Yep sounds like asshats to me.


There was one guy who was two or three years older than me that always was like that. He kind of just stared at people he didn't like. And he didn't like a lot of people. Of course his whole class hated him, he was a complete douchebag to them and pretty much everyone else. Of course when I was in like... Idk 8th grade he made a friend of mine cry that I never thought I would see cry. Yes because cool kids pick on the ones in junior high. Honestly he was one of those people that just by looking at him you know he's an a**hole. Haven't heard anything about him since he graduated and I don't care to. Like Ironman said, he's probably in jail. Or dead from using too many drugs.


Kind of rant-y... And I said ass a few times. xD

Shield ye children's innocent eyes. :P


Sigh the only thing i saw in 3d was avatar, and i did see the avengers in 3d and amazing spiderman, although nothing compared to avatar and james cameron 3d,. you can literally look beside you and see things floating and stuff, it was a unique experience.

Only movie I ever saw in 3D was Avatar. And yeah that was just... Wow. The floaties. :D Awesome.

Edited by K00L
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