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Edit: M48A5, why does she have a Prince Albert?...... wait nevermind I see what's going on, it's a weird broom.

Edited by dirk45
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Ooooookaaay then... I'm gonna go sleep now.


PS my arm is really sore. It makes it hard to feel comfy. I'm also going to scare the s*** out of my youngest brother. I was so close to sleep, then my door opens, light comes on, and I hear someone giggle and run away.

Also my phone's autopredict is retarded.

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By the time the storm hits here, i swear it'll be snow by then.. Its getting colder by the day i say.


hmmm i was looking forward tot he rain, sigh all well 20mm of rain in two days is some what acceptable. I guess if you want it, it doesn't come lol ...

Edited by Thor.
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Well, what a fun weekend this has been.


Went down to Phiilip island with my father, watched the race and came back. The weather was as miserable as it always is at Phillip, but it was worth it. Two world champions were decided that day, I got to see a personal hero of mine race, somone a dislike fall off a motorbike. All in all it was good fun. It's been a while since I went to see a race in person, after the events of late last year I sort of lost my passion for bike racing a bit, but it's been a great season, and I was lucky enough to see some brilliant racing. Since racing is very dangerous riders and drivers have to go through a series of "feeder seasons" before they can play with the big toys, but the feeder races I saw were, perhaps ironically, the most fun. They may not be as fast, but the riders can throw the smaller bikes around like toys, and they tend to have a reckless over-enthusiasm that the seasoned pros lack. There are some things a rookie will do that no sane pro ever would consider, and I love that, it's not reckless per se, but it comes close, and made for great entertainment.


I did feel very sorry for the gridgirls though-Phillip island is cold enough as it is, the race track sits near an ocean cliff, and the fans were all wearing coats and wooley hats. These poor girls were standing out on the grid wearing nothing but heavily branded bikinis. Certainly, they get paid a lot of money, but I wonder if the hypothermia will feel worth it.

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PS my arm is really sore. It makes it hard to feel comfy.





I had to. :facepalm: I can't resist it, it's a horrible curse.





Good morning.

And while talking about snow, there's still snow outside. :happy:

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