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Did anyone here have an intelligence test?

My psychiatrist wants me to take one in a few weeks and I'm nervous on how that will look like and how well I'll do. She told me I show signs of dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and maybe more, and that I'll have to talk with a logopedist about that, and now I'm afraid that I might score low.

I looked up a few on the internet and the most legit looking one was from mensa, which was basically finding the right symbol to a row of already existing ones.


So, can anyone give any info on that? Anything at all?



You're looking at it too literally. It isn't an intelligence test per se its to see how you write, how you understand both the written and verbal word, how you see things and how you perceive what it is you see and hear. These are all indicators of the things you stated plus a number of others eg Irlen's Syndrome etc.


Being dyslexic or having aspergers is not indicative of how intelligent you are, some of the most intelligent people I know have some form of "mental disorder". Yes, unfortunately that is what they are classed as, although I prefer the term "learning disability". The way you look at things and interpret them is different and you need to learn how to interpret them correctly. You may find that you don't understand sarcasm and some forms of humour as you will take it too literally. Eventually, over time, you will learn to accept humour for what it is and even gain one of your own which, if my twins are anything to go by, will be hysterically funny. They are quite the comedic duo when they start :D


Accept it for what it is. There are no right or wrong answers, it is to tell what problems you may or may not have and to, hopefully, to come up with a clear plan of action for you and your educators to follow.


If you need anything let me know. I used to tutor students with special needs at University so know a bit about it as I have dyslexia and Irlen's and my 5 girls all have Irlen's and dyslexia in varying degrees.

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They are designed to tell what form of learning disability you have. Different answers show different things and are indicative of different learning disabilities. As I said, there are no right or wrong answers.
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Thanks naomi, I read about many disorders and syndromes and I just don't want to anymore. Dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, autism, add, now this irlens thing. They all have something in common, and every time I read about those in particular I find myself in them, and that in turn makes me nervous and paranoid. I decided to stop looking into them and asked for professional help, even though I know I won't get much help. I know some of the higher minds had them, but I'm mostly worried about my grades. I am getting so many bad ones lately I can't keep up anymore, I can't even do my programming online course because of that, not even music lessons. I literally torture myself through school every day and I'm getting sick of seeing F's all the time :( Now I'm afraid if I will even manage to get into a college.


I'm sorry for ranting but my stress levels are extremely high since school started and I'm anxious about everything again.

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