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Thanks naomi, I read about many disorders and syndromes and I just don't want to anymore. Dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, autism, add, now this irlens thing. They all have something in common, and every time I read about those in particular I find myself in them, and that in turn makes me nervous and paranoid. I decided to stop looking into them and asked for professional help, even though I know I won't get much help. I know some of the higher minds had them, but I'm mostly worried about my grades. I am getting so many bad ones lately I can't keep up anymore, I can't even do my programming online course because of that, not even music lessons. I literally torture myself through school every day and I'm getting sick of seeing F's all the time :( Now I'm afraid if I will even manage to get into a college.


I'm sorry for ranting but my stress levels are extremely high since school started and I'm anxious about everything again.



Honey, if you get diagnosed with one disorder or another, let me know. I'll see what help I can give you from my end. Don't panic, things always look darkest before the dawn :D

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Honey, if you get diagnosed with one disorder or another, let me know. I'll see what help I can give you from my end. Don't panic, things always look darkest before the dawn :D



I appreciate your offer naomi and thank you for trying to help.

My dad and aunt are trying to help me as much as they can, but there's not much to do. In the end, I am filtered out by my country, again. I'm not doing good in school and I have bad grades, people look at me like I'm the laziest idiot on this planet because of that, most likely think I'm stupid too. Professors are starting to notice that and are getting even harder on me, which in turn just repeats the process.


Colleges pick out the students with the best grades in Croatian language and Math. I have horrible grades in both, I have a reason to panic because I fear the worst. I'm just trying to drag along and hope that it will get better, I've been doing that since 4th grade in elementary which was 7 years ago.


And I'm ranting too much and I'm too self focused, I'm sorry for diverting the topic again.

I'll keep silent now and let you guys do your thing, I'm in a negative thought loop again and there's little that can get me out of that. Gotta go to school anyway. Bye.


God, I feel like everything I have written will be taken as a joke and that people will think that I'm just an idiot whining.



I have put it in a spoiler so other people don't have to look at it.

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You're not an idiot, you just learn differently and there are others like me out there who can help you. Keep calm, do what you can and learn at your own pace. Hands on subjects will be your easiest as you will most probably find you are more creative in nature (my twins are, they are excellent at anything that involves hands on work). There are ways and means to learn and get the grades you need, it may take longer, but believe me you will get there. You're a clever young man and have a determined way about you. Believe in yourself and you're half way there :D
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Did anyone here have an intelligence test?

You mean an IQ test? Yeah, I did, it's simple and easy. Just don't try to fool the test, there's 99% chance you'll fail.


You have a few dozen questions where there are symbols in a row and you need to circle the right one to continue the row, then there's a whole bunch of dumb questions that tend to repeat themselves but expressed differently. And then you have a few tasks where there are a few long, identical sentences with a different order of words and you need to choose the correct one.


And don't worry about it, if I managed to score 133 on mine, you'll do just fine. :biggrin:

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Thank you very much Werne and Naomi, that got rid of the nervousness.


I know I'm a bit strange sometimes...or most of the time...or all the time. I sometimes take strange actions that make people wonder, and I have no idea when I do such things. So I apologize a lot >.> which may or may not make me look pathetic. Which starts the circle all over again and I apologize because I apologize too much.


I should just go to school I'm late :D Bye and thanks again

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