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Has he lost his mind? Can he see or is he blind?


*He's* going through changes

and is

Lying snowblind in the sun

:biggrin: (Dirk45 I hope you get the two songs I used in the lines)

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lol. You guys are such wimps. I went to watch Sinister with my twin girls who are 24 and their friend who's 30. Their friend dropped her phone whilst putting it away. Everyone to the right of us left a foot out of their seats. I howled with laughter.


I knew when things were gonna go "bump" if you like and so held one of my daughter's hands each time they screamed, I cringed and the guys behind us laughed their socks off. Honestly they say I embarrass them when we go to the cinema, good grief they're worse a supposedly "scary" movies :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Sinister? I am going to go look that one up and watch the trailer.


I WIN ! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif

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Good night everyone, grr no auto save in eternal darkness, i was on chapter 4 and then i died, realized i didn't save http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gifNow I'm back on Chapter 2 http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/verymad.gif
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Sinister a great movie (to me predictable but a great deal of fun), a few red herrings so to speak but I enjoyed it. I'm not afraid of the dark, or of things that go bump in the night so I find it interesting when people do go nuts over "scary" stuff.


The new series of Grimm started a week ago and I'm loving it. The modern take on Grimm's fairytale characters is an amazing concept and the storyline that goes through it is fab too. Then you have Once Upon a Time which was superb also and I can't wait for the release of that on DVD so I can watch it properly as I missed a couple of episodes.


I'm hoping to get the Grimm box set series 1 for Christmas as I love the series so much.


Gosh I really shouldn't think about Christmas I end up with palpitations :facepalm:

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I have a similar relationship with creepey crawlies. My girlfriend is absolutely mortified of spiders. Right now it's spring in Australia; it's been a lush, rainey winter and a lush rainey spring, so there's lots of bugs and arachnids everywhere. This morning I awoke to a bloodcurdling scream and my Girlfriend stumbling through the bedroom door, white as a sheet, gibbering about a monster in the bathroom that had tried to bite her. She said it was the biggest spider ever.


So I grab a broom, a wine glass, and a piece of paper and carefully open the bathroom door, what i find staring at me on the far wall is a small but extremely agitated Huntsman Spider. Not only not that biggest ever, but not even that big a huntsman either. I did find it funny, they're all bark, proverbially, but too timid to bite. She claims it "went for her" and was making "threatening gestures with it's legs" Five minutes later the now even more agitated crawler was scuttling around in the wine glass, held within by the paper, and being placed out in the garden, an act that I think may have left her considering moving house. There's no arguing phobias.

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