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http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif O... Oh!



I hope We, the People....

will join the American born Actress and watch the government like she says.

Then all the government official's that were elected this day will be busier taking special care not to do anything that might get We, The People upset, and get them impeached.

Or we could start a club for Dumb people.


It took some smart people to fool us that these actors weren't reading a script.

Fooling us, AGAIN!

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Hopefully it is just some fool that thinks he is funny...
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The call was made from the hospital they say. I have a headache now and I'm paranoid. I hate this country.


We cant even go home now... Only 30 people in school and we cant go home. :facepalm:

Edited by Iv000
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Somebody could have just walked in and asked to use a phone. And if they know somebody there, they can easily get some privacy. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mellow.gif


Can't even go home? Aren't they supposed to evacuate the building or something? Granted, my school has had bomb threats before. Nothing ever happened, except that there were way more police than normal.

Edited by ddmlink
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