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Have you gotten any help for the problem?When ever that used to happen I unplugged the modem for 15 seconds. I mean I pulled the power plug out of it and let it alone for 15 seconds. Then I would plug it back in and it would reset it to normal down load and upload speeds again. If that didn't work. I called my Internet Service Provider and talked to the people in the Internet tech repair department and they discovered the problem after a few tries. It looks like your download speed is too slow, while the the upload speed isn't unusually slow.

That's what I normally do as well. Seems like leaving it unplugged for a while solves a lot of weird issues I get with it. But it wasn't that. Someone had changed the firewall settings for it and they were trying to allow something but it acted goofy when they were doing it and instead of allowing the one thing it started to block things randomly and just go crazy.

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@Thor: Looking great - tower sniper points, animal interaction anim, and of course SHARK PUNCHING! http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mau61r6Gwd1r3bwow.gif


I would have thought halo 4 would make goty though with it's already massive fan base.

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Whoo, after some cleaning up and merging stuff I managed to reduce the FO3 load order from 244 to 202 plugins.


:biggrin: it goes to show how valuable these merging tools are doesn't it? I imagine that took a fair amount of your time!

Actually, not at all, it took me about 15 minutes. It goes fast once you get a hang of it :thumbsup:

Edited by Werne
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Have you gotten any help for the problem?When ever that used to happen I unplugged the modem for 15 seconds. I mean I pulled the power plug out of it and let it alone for 15 seconds. Then I would plug it back in and it would reset it to normal down load and upload speeds again. If that didn't work. I called my Internet Service Provider and talked to the people in the Internet tech repair department and they discovered the problem after a few tries. It looks like your download speed is too slow, while the the upload speed isn't unusually slow.

That's what I normally do as well. Seems like leaving it unplugged for a while solves a lot of weird issues I get with it. But it wasn't that. Someone had changed the firewall settings for it and they were trying to allow something but it acted goofy when they were doing it and instead of allowing the one thing it started to block things randomly and just go crazy.


I am glad to know you got the issue taken care of. Or at least have a temporary fix. The only thinking I have on what you said is, "Setting a Username and password up" at least change the password, and changing the "" the 0 to a number other then zero so scanners hackers use can't find your modem so easily and waltz around in your modems setting's.


The password and the zero in the address setup "" is so easy for a scanner to find and is not much of hassle to change. I think there should be a note on the manuals cover, "STOP" in the first page saying, "Change the password and the change your modems zero to another number where the 0 is in the so you don't get hacked easily!"

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The Amazing Spiderman is garbage except for Emma Stone. What's up with all the actress Emma's that are like around 19-24? Is it a conspiracy?




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