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The last poster wins


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I don't know the answers to any of those questions. Can I got back to Kindergarten now? Or do you have something for me to eat now?


In the age before Star Wars... Cloning was an imperfect art save one thing. We all had a link to each others minds and knew what the other was doing. We could not feel each other though, but when ever one of us was defective we knew. We thought one of the clones was blind all the time.


Until someone pulled the blanket off his bed. He was trying to find out if masturbating would make him go blind. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif


How do I know? Oh! Dog no I've been, "CLONED" or is that: "Denolc" ,neeb ev'I on God. Ho! ?wonk I od woh,


How strangely similar the following appears.





Answering might be not easy, but understanding how closes joy and pain even in simple things in life can be.

In avoiding the question there is avoiding a chance to understand this .


Cloning joy is in this case is to understand that also pain is cloned. Indifference against one-another and not using empathy of our given minds and hearts leads us to see only what we want to see, believing in what we want to believe without really seeing through the eyes of a blind person, without hearing through the ears of a deaf person, smelling through a noses that can't smell, not understanding the pain and of rejected love and the broken heart inside of another person, as well of a life of a a baby that died in child bed without knowing what life is really like.

Ignorance can be bliss to protect oneself, but not facing this at all leads only to more pain not perceived and understood.

That's what makes a heaven blue-er than blue that's what makes a silver cloud passing a wonderful blue sky worth for someone who understands that there are things in life painful for others, that aren't witnessed at first, but still there emotional shared by speaking out what one feels.

Even if it is only perceived for a short single moment to then get back to things that bother oneself.


I hope at least i could make you understand my motives by this post I don't ask that you take my point as yours own I only ask to respect the spirit in what it was given.


Btw if you want the win then you can have it.

I have found mine today in above picture.

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My neighbour died from a heart attack this morning :dance:

That reminded me of the time when my dad had a heart attack a few years ago and I was in constant panic if he'd survive or not cause he was in hospital for about 2 years. (He did, he's fine now.)

Not nice to remember all that and I hope the family of the person that died isn't taking it too hard.

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