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GtA v has a release date, but everything i see points to a pc release, because most of those effects like sunglare and Physics and stuff, if you look closely.




you know what i mean



except the odd jagging kinda scared me.

Edited by Thor.
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Looks good but........... I don't want to shoot/stab/beat with a baseball bat/run over a dog :ohdear: .That would make me toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SAD.
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One thing that wooowed me was the animals, the lions in particular, best render i have seen on any game. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif
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You clearly didn't play FC2. Never ran properly, had abnoxious DRM, and perhaps the worst story of it's generation of shooter. Far Cry 2 was essentially all about the graphics, and shooting hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of Black people. The story was simply so bad it can't be redeemed in any way-go to africa, get malaria, hunt down notorious arms dealer, realise he's the good guy, kill every friend and ally you had up to this point, commit suicide. All because he said so.


I won't be getting Far Cry 3, #2 was so miserably unreliable(texture spazouts, loading fails, CTDs, mission objectives not spawning) so racist(go to africa to shoot minorities) and so downright aweful(protagonist shoots himself and every ally he has simply because his hit told him to) that I just don't trust them to be able to make a good game in any way shape or form.


Perhaps the other bad thing was the shear hype. Ubi claimed that every single species of wildlife would have it's own unique AI structure, and would live out the behavior of real animals, that your actions would accrue "notoriety(evil points) and fame(good points) depending on your playstyle, that there would be multiple endings and dialogue choices, that there would be a sohpisticated stealth system, and that fire would act differently depending on wind conditions-light a match in the path of the wind and the fire would go that way.


Well it didn't deliver on any of the above. Animals just wondered around idiotically, there was no consequence to your actions-infact enemies respawned so quickly it was like you were just tasing them, there were 2 possible endings, both of which were inconsequentially different and had the same result, and the fire, in addition to being two dimensional(in DX10!)) actually simply spread out from a central location. Stealth was meaningless since enemies could essentially see through walls, or, if you had a Camo Suit, couldn't see you at all. All in all it was just an utterly mediocre open world FPS with bad physics, shockingly bad SFX, painfully little to do save drive around and do story missions, and after the second week, it spazzed out so badly it never laucnhed properly again, with Ubi claiming it was my fault and refusing to have any contact with me.


So yes, I hate what Ubi did to Far Cry, they took a completely medicore shooter, and made it into and over-hyped, extremely unreliable, completely mediocre shooter.

Edited by Vindekarr
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you can't just go judging a game by past mistakes, its going to be on steam, and i don't think its going to have that drm.


Farcry never really had a story really to begin with, even the original was more like a demo of the Cryengine like Crysis was.


Although after they went their separate ways things went down hill.


What do you think Crysis is based on.


I think they learned from their mistakes this time around, judging by the reviews its turning out to be one real good game.


You can't judge a game by its cover http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif


Ubisoft they released Rayman origins on pc drm free.

Edited by Thor.
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