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Welp, Hamas has really woken the tiger this time, they fired a rocket that landed in Jerusalem on the day of rest, and now Isrrael's mobilising for an all-out ground invasion. And for once I can't blame the Israelis either. Hamas gave them absolutely no choice-they're firing rockets at their capital while using schoolchildren for human shields, leaving the Israelis with no political or military choice but to invade. It's like that's what Hamas wants, another ground war, though why, I can't yet figure out except maybe to make the Israelis look brutal, since there's no way they are going to get away from this one. This is going to get bloody, horribly so.
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Welp, Hamas has really woken the tiger this time, they fired a rocket that landed in Jerusalem on the day of rest, and now Isrrael's mobilising for an all-out ground invasion. And for once I can't blame the Israelis either. Hamas gave them absolutely no choice-they're firing rockets at their capital while using schoolchildren for human shields, leaving the Israelis with no political or military choice but to invade. It's like that's what Hamas wants, another ground war, though why, I can't yet figure out except maybe to make the Israelis look brutal, since there's no way they are going to get away from this one. This is going to get bloody, horribly so.


been going that way for months mate, things keep escalating, also other countries keep siding on different sides, so its not simply a middle east war, it can and will spread.

Edited by tredmillion
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There is more dlc on the way, November 20 for borderlands 2. just like the pirates its going to a game in itself. And new weapon types.


and a new race and level cap coming soon



Edited by Thor.
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I can't wait to get that amd fx-8350 install, but i can't until Christmas, imade a promise to myself.


So can't wait to bring back to life those only 2core games, at 5ghz i could brake some records and then some.


Just imagine how fast Skyrim would load.

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Benchmarks they say are on par with the i7http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif



OOOOOoooohhh Crysis load times, epic in the makinghttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif


Lol for Christmas i usually get cash and at the end of the year a bonus Christmas Holiday check woot to pay it off.



I planned to something similar this year, but the fx 8350 came out just in time.


Excitement increasing, stars menacingly at the Christmas tree http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ermm.gifhttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/angry.gif http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif Crazy must calm down, you made your decision.


its driving me mad

Edited by Thor.
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