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Our school is just an exam factory...really. Some of the teachers are just completely awful and the rest are really good. There are about.....5 teachers that are complete...idiots.


My old science teacher plays rock music in lessons and is a complete...prick. He really....can't teach very well.

Some Geography teacher gives you 30 seconds to write MASSIVE paragraphs.

ICT teacher let us talk in Controlled Assessment conditions (exam conditions) and had a go at us for talking

Old RE teacher let us watch simpsons

Old English teacher SCREAMS, throws chairs and tables and is terrifying.

Behaviour specialist guy SPELT MY NAME WRONG. :verymad:

People who work at the office don't give you any directions.


This girl once got told off by my old Science teacher for wearing WHITE socks and now it states in the uniform section: You must wear black or white socks. I wear grey. REBEL.

Edited by AnotherAverageName
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I agree with the exam factory thing.

There are only 2 or 3 who are understanding and know how to teach. The rest really just does their own thing and doesn't give a F about the students.


You know what I like about my programming professor? One of the first things he said when we got him is "All of you will be excellent programmers." We did a bit of theory about JavaScript, we did a bit of programming, and next year we will do programming only. He grades us by our knowledge in programming and by working in groups and helping eachother out. I have the best grade in class there.


The majority of others either makes us write gigantic text in our notebook and then we have to study all of that at home, or shows us via projector how to do something in a program with little explaining or poorly explained, and expects us to do the same. Also lots of yelling.


Example, she gave us a thing to do, showed it to us (Extremely poorly) in 15 min then went away, she had to 'print something'; aka Facebook :facepalm:

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