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I only drink on Sunday, and that is only one shot of Jägermeister and a glass or two of white wine. And 3 beers per week.

I'm probably the only person in my school who wasn't drunk yet. I am the party breaker. Safety and health go first :armscrossed:


Have you ever watched Mighty Boosh? I bet you are like Howard Moon :tongue: 12:19 mins in


xD lol

Nah, I probably wouldn't even be able to stand in front of such a big crowd. I'm the guy in the corner following his best friend everywhere and not saying anything at all. Actually I never was at a party, at least at such a party or similar. I make my own parties with my cat :dance: They're so underground nobody knows about them.


Also I love that kind of humor. I need to watch more British humor, it's probably the only one besides the internet one that can make me laugh out loud :happy:

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Mighty Boosh tv show is good, sometimes it isn't all that funny and they get a little predictable after a few episodes but it's still entertaining to watch. Live comedy is always better unless it's Dane Cook, Carlos Mencia, or George Carlin(y'know, cuz he's dead).




I don't drink during the holidays. Mostly because I don't drink alcohol at all. it's poison you know. But I don't begrudge you your happy juice so whatevs.




It's still hot as satan's b-hole and we haven't gotten any rain to boot.




Smells like carrots. That's what one snowman said to the other snowman.

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A bit of alcohol is actually helpful. When I say a bit, I literally mean a bit. Drunk is over the top, that's when it gets poisonous.


It's still -854765°C here.


I will get a bunch of British comedy movies/shows and watch them :biggrin:


Lol I remembered the 'party' my class had when we had our last meeting in Elementary. Guess what, they went out in the forest to get drunk and drugged. *slow clap* Best. Generation. Ever.

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I had my first alcohol drink when I was 12, a few shots of Slivovitz.


Got drunk the first time a few days later http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif


My grandfather was delighted when I came home and puked all over the kitchen table.


He said that's going to make me stronger.


He was right.

In case you think that's weird, it's normal to start drinking young around here, it's like a signature trait.


Freakin' awesome because I really love drinking http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

Edited by Werne
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Drinking early making you stronger? Never heard that. It's a mindless 'escape' from reality in my opinion, with no offense intended.

What truly makes you stronger is facing reality and growing your spirit with useful experiences. Deciding not to drink and smoke was one of the best decisions I ever made. They made me think more logically, look from more sides of an argument, made me think about opinions, tolerance, etc etc.


Besides, all the money I have saved up by not spending it on that :D



Imma go dance with K00L :dance:



Here's some dance music. Actually, it's quite genius.

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