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Merry Doomsday guys and I hope you have a happy death in fire http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif




Here's some music by Arch Enemy, My Apocalypse from their album Doomsday Machine.


It fits this day kinda nicely, don't you think? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

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Reporting in from Australia! It was a BEAUTIFUL day today, 77 farenheit, not a cloud in the sky. Beautiful beautiful weather. I went for a walk. No doomsday though, I'm kinda miffed. I ordered an apocalypse with a side of 666 doomheim and a fiery death milkshake. I'm yet to recieve service.


Ivoo, I recomend being careful about your alcahol intake. A little bit is good for you, but it can be quite addictive. And unlike Fallout, real alcahol addiction doesn't simply mildly reduce your stats, and can't be cured by doctors.

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Ivoo, I recomend being careful about your alcahol intake. A little bit is good for you, but it can be quite addictive. And unlike Fallout, real alcahol addiction doesn't simply mildly reduce your stats, and can't be cured by doctors.

I can confirm that alcohol addiction is good for you.


I get my abnormal doses of alcohol regularly and there's nothing wrong with me.


Aside from my liver, heart and kidneys failing.


Luckily, doctors have plenty of spare parts for me so I have nothing to worry about http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

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Ivoo, I recomend being careful about your alcahol intake. A little bit is good for you, but it can be quite addictive. And unlike Fallout, real alcahol addiction doesn't simply mildly reduce your stats, and can't be cured by doctors.

I can confirm that alcohol addiction is good for you.


I get my abnormal doses of alcohol regularly and there's nothing wrong with me.


Aside from my liver, heart and kidneys failing.


Luckily, doctors have plenty of spare parts for me so I have nothing to worry about http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

Except for those lovely medical bills. ;)

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