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I had a strange mail ware virus take over firefox awhile ago, and i finally figured out what it was, the proxy was changed for some reason and i finally managed to switch it back. Funny thing now the nexus won't load. But hey i got it working again.


I forgot about sense i use chrome mostly, until recently decided to load firefox..





looks like I'm not alone


One thing about firefox, is the plugins folder is buried inside the appsdata folder for some reason, even removing setting from uninstalling it won't work. it should.

Edited by Thor.
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Arkham city is a whopping 20gb in size http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif I''m going to have to wait for the my next internet bill before i could download it http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif it would take me approx a day to download http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif It was a good deal steam, misleading me like that. The nexus really needs a shake fist smiley.http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ohdear.png


Apparently though it has all the great features like Directx 11 and tessellation and stuff, so no wonder its big. But is it worth it, i say yes to a point. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif

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D: FTL... so...fun...
I knew you'd like it :teehee: And you got DragonsDogma I wanted that thing but it's console exclusive .-. the magic in there is the most amazing one in any game ever imo. And the damn griffon and dragons and D: want

:P Its kind of hard though.


And Dragon's Dogma is reallly realllllly fun. :D You get to customize one companion and of course your person but the customization is pretty in depth (like how you stand and your muscle and stuff. Some of it actually impacts combat and stuff.). And combat (if a bit hard sometimes. Like Dark Souls hard, as in bam I kiled you in one hit) is fun. Like "I'm going to climb up the Hydra's neck" kind of fun. xD Ooooooorrrr throwing a child off a cliff kind of fun (ONLY BECAUSE HE'S VOICED BY A MAN).

And there is one guy who is voiced by the guy who does elves (High elves?) in TES. >.> I like to tell him to shut up.

I haven't tried magic because I'm using bows so I wouldn't know if its amazing. There's a lot of things to use in combat like vials of water or oil and even different kinds of arrows. I just started too and there already seems to be a ton of stuff. :biggrin:

Someone told me it didn't do well with critics but I just looked and it seemed like it got a lot of positive reviews. I don't really look at what those people have to say anyway since if they dislike something I disagree 90% of the time.


Like the statement I just read... Lack of multiplayer is made up for. Who.... flocking cares about multiplayer? D: Stupid reviewists.

Edited by K00L
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Croatia can't get better anymore.

Yes it can, we just need to get rid of the population http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


In the end my dad had to throw him out of the school

I would've killed him.


Slowly and painfully.


That's quite a mouthful of Croatian word's!


For all those letter's spelling out what you said in Croatian, it would seem to me in my English speaking mind you must done more than stepped in dog crap, it reads to me like you must have fallen in a truck load of dog crap. Which to an English speaking person would really be FUNNY! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

Actually, that's still nothing, just stepping in some crap.


We speak that way when something good happens too, like seeing a person you know.


For example, in English you'd say "Hey, haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" when seeing someone after a long time.


In Croatian it's "Di si pičko, ima pun kurac da te nisam vidio jebote. U pičku materinu, kako si jebote, jebeš li što ili tebe jebu?"


Now imagine a whole life of conversations like the one above.


If you can, you will understand our culture.


Or lack of culture, depends on how you look at it.


If I could hear Croatian spoken so I know the sound of those words you've typed I would have a better understanding. I would appreciate it more too. Just seeing words written in any new language employs my imagination and how some vowels and consonants may be spoken in some languages giving more stress in areas so the meaning is understood too. If you have a YouTube I could give a listen to, too, that would be great. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif

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If I could hear Croatian spoken so I know the sound of those words you've typed I would have a better understanding. I would appreciate it more too. Just seeing words written in any new language employs my imagination and how some vowels and consonants may be spoken in some languages giving more stress in areas so the meaning is understood too. If you have a YouTube I could give a listen to, too, that would be great. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif



For starters this should be ok. I don't want you to get a headache then fall in a coma when you first hear it.

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:P Its kind of hard though.


And Dragon's Dogma is reallly realllllly fun. :D You get to customize one companion and of course your person but the customization is pretty in depth (like how you stand and your muscle and stuff. Some of it actually impacts combat and stuff.). And combat (if a bit hard sometimes. Like Dark Souls hard, as in bam I kiled you in one hit) is fun. Like "I'm going to climb up the Hydra's neck" kind of fun. xD Ooooooorrrr throwing a child off a cliff kind of fun (ONLY BECAUSE HE'S VOICED BY A MAN).

And there is one guy who is voiced by the guy who does elves (High elves?) in TES. >.> I like to tell him to shut up.

I haven't tried magic because I'm using bows so I wouldn't know if its amazing. There's a lot of things to use in combat like vials of water or oil and even different kinds of arrows. I just started too and there already seems to be a ton of stuff. :biggrin:

Someone told me it didn't do well with critics but I just looked and it seemed like it got a lot of positive reviews. I don't really look at what those people have to say anyway since if they dislike something I disagree 90% of the time.


Like the statement I just read... Lack of multiplayer is made up for. Who.... flocking cares about multiplayer? D: Stupid reviewists.

YOU'RE MAKING ME JELLY :armscrossed:

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well i did go sleep and now im unasleep xD


i cba to read all those posts, but werne, theres a ridiculous amount of swearing in english, hell talk to me outside of the nexus and most of the words out me mouth are swear words xD i distinctly remember getting shouted at when i was 7 at primary school for saying c**t too much lol


also ahwahahahahaha, i gotta memorise a few hundred of those and just go mental at people when im angry xD

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