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Try Australian English. It's not that we are swearbears, it's more that our social rules regarding what defines a swear tend to be more relaxed, words like bugger, bloody, piss being seen as socially acceptable, especially in a middle-class setting.


Imo Ivoo, Force Unleashed rates among the very worst games I've ever played. It was delivered several years too late, was ridiculously short, felt like a truly aweful God Of War knockoff, and disgraced the franchise with it's hammy acting, lousy story direction, and detestable characters. Even Guild Wars has a better story, and it's a bloody MMO. My favourite SW games are and always will be KOTOR(<3<3<3) for it's exceptional story crafting and (for then) beautiful graphics, and Battlefront 2, a game I swear I spent years playing. I have 9044 logged kills in BF2, and it remains one of my all-time favourite shooters. It had none of the fancy features, the killstreaks, the loadouts, the nemesis, but god damn, it had balance, it had action, it had TIE FIGHTERS(!!!) and it had a game mode where you gang up and slaughter ewoks. It was sublime.


I want a BF3, made by Bungie Studios. That would be a Matchmade in heaven, no pun intended.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Imo Ivoo, Force Unleashed rates among the very worst games I've ever played. It was delivered several years too late, was ridiculously short, felt like a truly aweful God Of War knockoff, and disgraced the franchise with it's hammy acting, lousy story direction, and detestable characters. Even Guild Wars has a better story, and it's a bloody MMO.

That's why I said I want it to be open world, and more RPG-ish too.

The ONLY thing I played it for was the graphics and the combat. It was indeed s***, but the lack of open world star wars games is...disturbing.

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Look Battlefront 2 had the pinnacle of all Star Wars game modes: co-op ewok hunting. After Hunt, there can be no progress except maybe Hunt wirth better graphics, and ewok gore.


In retrospect there WAS an even worse Star Wars game. Star Wars Kinect is not only the worst Star Wars game ever made, but possibly the worst GAME ever made. Designed clearly for very young children, it's nonfunctional, waggley controls had absolutely no clue as to what you were trying to do so it just made it's mind up for you, but even worse, it had a Darth Vader dance minigame. This is akin to prostitution as far as I'm concerned; a once proud franchise forced to the very lowest depths of degredation and humilation just to make money. Darth Vader dancing to crappy 1990s music that was bad even before Lucasarts ripped the lyrics out and replaced them with non-rhyming, non-lyrical, star-wars themed lyrics was enough to make me pinch myself to make sure this wasn't all just a bad dream and that I really was watching Darth Sidious dancing the macarena and singing folk music.


After Kinect Star Wars, I don't know if the franchise is redeemable. Halo is an example of a game which tried a spinoff and failed(an RTS prequal), but it atleast regained it's dignity. WarHammer branched out with an FPS and it failed, but the franchise just returned to it's roots and stayed strong. But Star Wars, it's lost it's way. Halo and WarHammer tried branching out into other genres, small steps really, and though they didn't work, Halo Wars actually wasn't a bad game and had nice, smooth controls, it just lacked X-factor, while Space Marine suffured from bad dialogue writing and overly linear design, all in all people forgave both of them, some even want to see them try again.


Kinect Star Wars however, there is no redemption for this one. It has systematically humiliated every major character in the franchise by making them sing and dance to fill George Lucas' bank account, and pushes the franchise so far down into the red zone of the crap-o-metre that I don't know if even Disney can salvage it. Star Wars has been in a long downward spiral, like an X-wing spiralling into a planet's atmosphere. But now the X-Wing has lost all 4 engines and the strike foils have burned away, the franchise is in an out-of-control plummet and the eject handle may be the only way to avoid a terminal crash.


Maybe they should just quit. Hell, their last attempts to "revive" the franchise, such as the putrid trilogy, insipid clone wars, and string of abysmal console games, have done so much further damage that maybe it's better just to pull the plug.

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Agreed with both of you.

Kotor will always stay my favorite SW game ever. I was wishing for Kotor 3, but instead got a pretty mediocre MMO which has the most horrible f2p model I have ever seen.





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