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I have put it in a spoiler so people don't have to see negativity on day 1.


It's a private matter, but an extremely serious one, so everybody who wants to take the time to help I would appreciate it a lot.



Anyone here familiar with suicide threats, emotional abuse and over attached friends?

Me and my bf have a friend who is clingy, childish, overly attached and threatened with suicide the second time yesterday because I'm not spending enough time with him and I'm not giving him enough love. Sidenote, he's polyromantic.


Emotionally it's killing us, and if someone can recommend me something I'd appreciate it a whole bunch. I've been thinking if I should start a topic in the debate thread, because it got out of hand yesterday where he did it after new years, and I don't know what to do anymore, this has to stop one way or another.



Edited by Iv000
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If someone can recommend me something I'd appreciate it a whole bunch.

This to him,


Your welcome.

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If someone can recommend me something I'd appreciate it a whole bunch.

This to him,


Your welcome.

He told me himself that he's doing it because that's the only way I worry and care...

He did help me in the past, and I was thankful more back then. But now he wants more, and I'm loosing my nerves and I want to spare my boyfriend all the trouble. I'm thinking to talk with my bf and decide whether or not we just block him out of everything. As good as he is, as human as he is, he has no right to emotionally abuse me like that. And I f***ing hope I'm thinking ok right now and that I'm not being egoistic.

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I know the type. I had a friend like him in middle school. He's a parasite, he can't really help it, that's just the way he is. You could try to talk to him about how your feelings are just important as his and he needs to adjust his approach to people, otherwise he'll really be alone.



Then again you might have one of those psychosis-perfect-storm-bat-s*** crazies that will just crank it up a notch and turn to stalking. My former boss's daughter is like that, her ex-boyfriend has a restraining order that she regularly violates and she tried to kill her father after he wouldn't let her kill herself. Fun times. But most people making suicide threats usually don't 100% mean they want to kill themselves it's just a "grown up" way of throwing a little temper tantrum for them. The major problem though with these high-strung clingy types is that they tend to overreact to calling their bluff - which could end in death... So take him seriously but don't be overly attentive to his every little drama, that's what he wants and you can't reward the behavior. If you could deal with his death then just let nature take it's course, but if you would find it too difficult to deal with, I'd say involve somebody who could deal with him in a legal/psychological manner to prevent his self-destruction.



I do not envy your next few months. I got lucky with my friend in middle school, her family moved to Alaska just when she was ramping up to suicide threats, so I was bereft of the burden of knowing what became of her crazy ass. (She's probably where my problem with intimacy and commitment come from. :sad: ) But at least I was given 4483 miles of buffer to cool1 her off and lucky for me she didn't have my phone number.


1Alaska is cold, this is a joke.

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I've got no time for that behaviour, people who just want attention by being stupid. I've known a few of these people doing it to get attention from girls to feel sorry for them so they can get close to them, one even tried it with my gf and tried to kiss her but she just slapped him. What a muppet :laugh:
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if someone can recommend me something I'd appreciate it a whole bunch

I've got a suggestion.


Tell him to kill himself.


Just in case you think I'm screwing with you, no I'm not, I'm completely serious with this.


He's either an attention-seeking w'hore or a true psycho and this method works for both cases.


If he does it you'll get rid of him and if he doesn't, tell him to f*** off and you'll get rid of him.


And if he tries and fails he'll be placed in a psychiatric hospital and you'll get rid of him.


It's always a win, you just need to play it cool.


And why the hell w'hore turns into prostitute when I write it?


I've got no time for that behaviour, people who just want attention by being stupid.

Out of all people who think about suicide only 1% will attempt it.


Out of that 1%, 87% of them have mental problems.


I admit, some of them are just seeking attention but there's plenty of them who really want to die.


For example, I tried to kill myself 5 times and every day I consider doing it again, even though I have a reason to live.


I tried to overdose 2 times, hanged myself once, carved one hell of a scar on my chest and even tried to suffocate with a freakin' bag.


Every f***ing time I nearly succeeded and I still regret that I failed.


I want to die because of all the horrors I can see every time I close my eyes.


You think I'm seeking attention or that I'm stupid?


I like calling people muppets. :biggrin:

So do I. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

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