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I get what you want to say, but I'm not the kind of person that just tells people to f*** off if I don't like them. I had plenty of chances to do so but every single time I tried to help out, and only once did I in a polite manner break off my previous abusing relationship. I am altruistic, I'm so altruistic my dad says I'm masochistic sometimes, it's who I am and I cannot change that nor am I willing to do so.

There are a few things you need to know.


Life is like war, you fight or you die and you don't give a damn about those who get overrun and left behind.


The only person you need to care about is yourself, care about other people and you'll just end up screwed.


There's no bargaining, no mercy, no hesitation and no regret, show one sign of weakness and you're dead.


Simple as that.


I am getting better though ever since you officially declared me insane. It opened a new door in my life, one in which I cannot wait to explore all of it's beautiful insane and crazy tactics and pervertedness :teehee:

Insanity is the only way to fight against a sane world.


And one day insanity will reign supreme http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/armscrossed.gif

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That doesn't lead to improvement, it leads to making the world worse for everybody else. What does it mean to you if you live just for yourself? You will die anyway, and so will I. My life is unimportant and so is yours. But what I/we can do is try and devote a part of my life to improving the future for new generations and for my future kids. In the end we're all just a piece of dust in the universe and it wouldn't really matter if everybody of us would die this second.


So I don't know how to answer your no mercy only violence philosophy, because my mind is pre-occupied with many many many many more things to think about than just myself and my well being. I've noticed that I think in a grand scale level, not only as in 'Croatia, me' but more as in 'this world, these people, our existence'.


I say we drop this topic, I know what to do if I continue heaving the problems with my friend and I thank everybody for the advice given me. Everything else is just a clash of philosophies.


There are more important topics to discuss anyway. Like the fact that I want sex but have to wait 7 months for it :armscrossed: I am a horny teenager my needs and those of my boyfriend need to be satisfied, I demand compensation in form of money with at least 6 digits.

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There are a few things you need to know.


Life is like war, you fight or you die and you don't give a damn about those who get overrun and left behind.


The only person you need to care about is yourself, care about other people and you'll just end up screwed.


There's no bargaining, no mercy, no hesitation and no regret, show one sign of weakness and you're dead.


Simple as that.



I find this a very sad statement to be sure. With that type of attitude one will end up alone and very sad.


I take it you have some form of feelings for your partner, its not just a relationship based upon physical need? If you live together then there must be feelings involved. If not it is a very sterile relationship to be sure and once your partner figures this out I would imagine they would cut their losses and go.


For anything in life to succeed, and succeed well, one must work at it. Nothing is free in this world. From the moment we are born till the moment we die we struggle to survive and fit in with the rest of humanity. Some find it harder than others but with love, support and education we learn how to mix with other, interact on the same levels as the rest of the world. We learn morals, right and wrong and we learn social behaviour, what is acceptable and what is not.


Without these guidelines and people to support us we are nothing. Cast adrift in a world that neither wants to know nor cares. If we do not make the effort to fit in why should anyone else. We may not succeed the first time, but that doesn't mean we give up. We try again and eventually we will find others who fit with us and they become friends, maybe a special person will become a lover, partner, wife or husband.


To gain that level of trust we need to have feelings for others. We may not like certain people, we may find others funny, we may find others acceptable in different ways. No two people are alike and for that I am grateful for the world would be a sad and cheerless place if it were.


I do hope you find happiness and feelings for those around you. I do hope you find your life choices to be the right ones and that you don't lead yourself astray. No-one has a perfect life. We all have sadness and tragedy to deal with at some point. Whether we recover from it depends upon the support network around us, and I do hope that you one day find yours.

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You can always count on Naomi to say something amazing every time :teehee:


Though you can't really blame him. We live in a place where this is sadly true. Trust me, I have felt betrayal from my closest friends here, I know that nobody truly cares for others, everybody is just using everybody. Yes there are emotions, but there are few of them. I have watched my best friend become a heartless emotionless idiot through the years. Rarely will you find someone like me in Croatia who truly cares for others. To be honest out of all the people I know right now IRL, about 80, only my closest girl-friend, my aunt and to some extent my father care. The others are playing games with eachother, I only know of two people who kept a boyfriend for longer than a month and still are, that's honestly the only bit of emotion I can still see in this place.


I can't wait to move out of this place and off to my boyfriend.

Edited by Iv000
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Forgive me, I forget that I am lucky to live in a country were we have not had conflict or serious strife for over 60 years. I'm also reminded how lucky I am to have the most wonderful family and friends both in person and here on Nexus.


The amount of love and support I have from you guys is amazing, and at times the only thing that makes me smile and keep on trucking. Hopefully Werne will realise this also and come to see that we care for him as he is a member of our wonderful extended family. We're all over the world, from different cultures, walks of life and beliefs yet, unbelievably we all fit together here. If only RL was as wonderful and easy to live.


I love you all and wish only the best for you. If it was within my power I would make sure you all were protected and safe. I really need to start practising my magic don't I :D

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I have succeeded in cleaning up another space in my living space. Now I have all the business cards I have been given by people looking for new customer's in a fanny pouch. While picking them up from where they spilled out of the storage book I found a new way to arrange some stuff along the wall so a robotic vacuum cleaner can vacuum 25% of the space that needs it.


The routine floor space that a person with a regular vacuum cleaner can do will be done 6 times a week. Keeping the dust and dirt from getting ground into the floor or the carpet's. All that is left for the cleaning person now is an inch and a half of space along the side boards.


The day will come when a robotic vacuum cleaner will be able to do the stairs, the cupboard's, the wall's and the ceilings.


Since it is clear the dust mites have stopped stringing their webs across the ceiling where I added some stuff to make a new cleanser the ceilings only need cleaning once a month. They will get done quickly and easy with just a standard dust blade style ceiling cleaner. The stuff I tried in the cleanser drives them little dust mite spiders off,


Now only the walls and their base board's will need attention once a week. That's about a 50% reduction in time used to vacuum and dust.


I love the new robotic vacuum cleaner already. I will actually have nothing bothering my conscious when it comes to vacuuming the main portion of the floors so I can focus on the importance of other people in my life. :woot:

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