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I watched a 3D movie documentary about the ocean's life. Really an eye opening experience to see sharks swim near by when it is really good 3D. I can't tell if I have more grey hairs from reality now. Even though the shark did not actually seem to swim out of the screen it sure looked real enough that it could have been on the other side of the glass.


I am really disappointed in the fact I was crippled in 1968 so I can never enjoy life to the fullest. The 3D setup I got to give me a sense of realism sure does make me feel better. It's almost like being there.


I pity people, especially the guys I knew, who are healthy and never get lose from their mothers apron strings. They cling to the home town and never go anywhere, or do anything, other then the local dunderhead excitement.


At least I made it to a few different places before I joined the military and became crippled. They taught to do crafts in the V. A. Hospital in a place call Ft. Sheridan to get my mind off my troubled body.


While I was a healthy teen male I got to know people who weren't all stressed and in serious need of a good vacation.


Since the day reality sank in and I realized my chance of career in the military the saddest thing I realized is that most of these devices I use were made for cripples like me and now the dunderheads have them too, stupid people who don't need them or really know a good way to use computers have them, and don't use them to get out of their immature zone, and they remind me of how sad it is to be restricted by the old inhibitions that our Mom or Dad instilled in us so we never feel secure unless we are beating up our little brother or doing stupid stuff to our sisters. Until our sisters grow up and can beat up their brothers.


I hate myself for being stupid like that, for as long as I was, when I had the chance to become a mature man. Now I don't!

If you are healthy people, I mean you guys especially, you're wasting your life if you aren't exploring the world outside your grass root home. I know you will become a better person because you can't help it once you are among strangers who want to get acquainted before they rob you, throw you in jail, and send you to prison if you are nice. If they like you, you might meet the girl of your dreams, just before they put you in a job, or gently kick you out of their home town. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif

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Sweetheart I hate that word "crippled", you're not you are physically challenged or disabled, but you are most definitely nothing else. You have an amazing mind, an insight into yourself and others that would rival many a psychologist.


I love how you look at things and find joy in something as wonderful as 3D TV :)


Never lose that part of yourself I, for one, love it.

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Wooooo I managed to put my mind to rest for 15 minutes by laying down next to my dad.

I got no idea why that stopped my thinking but it did. Either way my brain is not processing stuff @ 101% now. :biggrin:


Anyone want chocolate? If I throw it hard enough at the screen maybe one of you will get it.

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Anyone want chocolate? If I throw it hard enough at the screen maybe one of you will get it.



Here's a target to work with :smile:

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I am really disappointed in the fact I was crippled in 1968 so I can never enjoy life to the fullest.

Who says you can't?


Enjoying life has nothing to do with your body, it's all about your mind.


If you really want to do something, there's nothing in this world that can stop you, not even your own body's limits.


Unless you want to bend spoons with your mind, you can try all you want but you can't do it, I tried.





And now to news, I just finished the mesh of my new model http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif


I got inspired by this thing but I changed some parts I don't like:


Still didn't unwrap the UVs, I have no motivation right now.


342 tris, take that you 20 000 triangle swords http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif

Edited by Werne
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I forgot the way the words they changed it to. I am not developmentally cause I can't return or improve, so they call me a permanently disabled veteran still. That was the new ways the people started describing it after I spent a lot of years being a cripple.


I thought I was improving many times too.

It is amazing what they can do with modern technology.

That is one reason why I have such a great desire to live. I want to see the technology of tomorrow.



Thanks again.


Throw some of that chocolate about 3 degrees to the left. I think I saw one passing by on my 3D screen. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif

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