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The last poster wins


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If it makes you feel any better everything works perfectly on my system :thumbsup:

Thank you Ironman. t-t


GFWL sucks.

Yes it does. :verymad:


Oh and I win.

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I also read that a popular stereotype is that gay guys love cats.

Well that's one stereotype true!


Now I just have to get a dress (a pink dress), makeup, handbag maybe (a pink one), go to foam parties, become a designer in something (with lots of pink pink pink), flail hands around like a hyper kitten when I'm excited, ummmm what else...Idk I should take out my (pink) phone book of all my only gay friends all around the world because I obviously know EVERY single gay person on this damn planet. I'll invite them to a foam party then, if they don't come half naked or in pink I will kick them out.




Anyone want an Appletini?! I got plenty in my pink mini bar. And pink glasses too.

Madonna ftw!!!1!



On a related topic, I'm bored.


Sweetheart, I had a very good friend who had two Rottweilers. He and his partner owned a pub and needed the extra protection as it was a "gay" haunt. I used to go there after work as it was a safe haven from predators when I needed to chillax after a hard days work. They were both good friends as were a number of their clientèle. Quite a few "straight" people frequented the place and we were all good friends.


There was never any trouble except when a group of young lads came in and took us on at pool. We thrashed them and they didn't take kindly to the lesson :)


Stereotyping is something I hate with a passion and I try to never pigeon hole anyone as I believe it is totally unfair I get to know people as individuals and love them for the foibles their warts and all....


By the way did you get my message???? Did it help????

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