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I run a dual-boot too (Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04). EasyBCD also made the boot loader a bit easier too. :laugh:


But I meant if you want to run a Windows program on Linux (without using Windows as a Virtual OS or dual-booting) then you would need WINE.


Plus, Iv000 and I hang out often, so I already knew he had a dual-boot set up. But for anyone else reading, that may not have been obvious. Guess it helps to think of these things. :confused:

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I have dual boot, and I don't want to do gaming on Ubuntu.

Windows for my usual stuffs, Ubuntu for web development and that kind of stuff when I figure out all the things you can do with it. (Tutorials/getting started/guides appreciated :teehee: )


anyway have this burrito owl and I'll go to sleep now for real




my god I have school in 5 hours and didn't sleep yet .-.

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I want... That owl. He can become my stripping pet owl.
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