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The last poster wins


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Shouldn't you be listening in your class or something :teehee:


I should... During school hours. :tongue:

College is so much better than high school (in my experience, at least).


For example, if the teacher says "That's all for today" then I can leave and drive home. =D

And spend a few minutes trying to come up with something for The Last Poster Wins thread.


That reminds me...


I win. :laugh:

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I'm at 925mhz so far, the goal is to hit 950mhz without graphical glitches (: original clock 900mhz.


Pushing it ever o slowly, skyrim is allot more responsive now, no lag or load stuttering you usually get.

Edited by Thor.
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Ok, here's a funny story for you which happened to me today. My family is 100% petrol-head, my mother and I are both passionate about cars, my father is a bike nut, with a particular fondness for older Japanese machinery. Well, today he took his bike to get serviced, and the workshop was very busy so they let him borrow a showroom demonstrater(test-ride) bike from the used bike section to ride home to give back tommorow. Well, guess what rides up to my place this afternoon? somehow the sneakey old bastard managed to con them into giving him the keys to a virtually new Honda CBR-1000, one of the most powerful street legal bikes in the country. I wish my car services were this awesome, maybe if I ask nicely they'll let me trade my Typhoon for a Mustang for a day? Admitedly he has friends there,has a silver tongue, and is a sneakey old goat, but that's some sweet-talking. And a sweet-ass bike.
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Over a quater mile it can, that is A a ten year old Viper, and B, the Viper has a commanding top speed and cornering advantage, as well as being much cheaper, and having a significantly longer range. Better acceleration, but not a better car. Edited by Vindekarr
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