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time heals all wounds

Not when it comes to PTSD, you'll never get rid of it.


I'm sure you get better with time.

It's not me it's my boyfriend. He went through so much, too much. He gets breakdowns every now and then, horrible ones.


I can just hope things will be ok and help and support him all I can, you got no idea how much it hurts when he gets one. When the person who you love tells you things like these it's just, the second most horrible thing ever. Right after heartbreak.


I mean I know I'm just 17, but I know what true love is. I'll stay with him until I either die or worse. Love is the only thing I have on this planet, I won't let go. You're lucky to have such a great girlfriend Werne. I hope me and my boyfriend will one day look back at these moments and laugh or be happy that they're over.


I'll get off of here, I'm just blabbering and my mind is in chaos right now. Goodnight all, I truly hope all of you had/will have a better day.

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I'm sure you get better with time.

No, no you don't. You can only suppress symptoms of PTSD but you can never get rid of it, my great-grandfather suffers from it since WWII and he still breaks down occasionally.


You're lucky to have such a great girlfriend Werne.

Well, she tolerates my outbursts of insanity, she can forgive me when I screw things up (which is quite often :biggrin:) and she loves me.


And although she can sometimes be a pain in the arse (especially during PMS :ohdear:), I love her too. So yeah, I guess I am lucky. :happy:


Wow how awesome is FO3 with mods?! I haven't played the game in ages but as it stand it makes NV look garbage ;D Just having a browse through your stuff werne, might have to use a lot of yours :happy:

Knock yourself out. :thumbsup:

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Iv000, on 12 Feb 2013 - 12:46, said:

Breakdowns caused by post traumatic stress disorder are s#*!.

Why do they always have to cloud the mind of the one heaving the breakdown? Why? I hope they go away soon, "time heals all wounds" I hope that is true.

I have PTSD episodes and it is no laughing matter when it occurs. :down: It always occurs on the anniversary of the event's for me. :verymad: So I don't plan anything special for those days with new or old friends.


I just realized. All of you who have family who willingly put up with your PTSD episodes are so lucky imo. All I have is the memory of the pity from those who were trying to repair me, restore my mental health, and a disability check to keep me happy.


And all of you too to thank for sharing some of your sanity with me. :yes:

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i win 6 from google, its starting to freak me out :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: Come on show yourself :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: now its 8??????


you know bings better looool that was a joke for you f5 users. eehh can't think of one right now


2 plus 2 equals 4, true story. 5 didn't show up though :blink:


this liitle one had a smiley, but didn't use it??? why i don't know you ask me????


once there was a thread full of guests, but no one typing, true story, though scary one at that to


whats faster then a mouse scrolling??? me typing?? :blink:

HEEELLLLOOO i can see yoououu!!! :dry:

hmm that bing user looks suspicious, he isn't or she isn't typing is a good give away


come baccck!! i feel lonely :teehee:

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Google mobile?? scary sttuuff. hmm who could be walking around in Skyrim at this hour??? Could it be a bandit or a dragon??? no its super man??? naahhhh.. Maybe its someone on a cellphone, no that's just being silly??



Uh oh that one anonymous user showed up HAA, whats he or she up to :blink:

Hello lv000, nice to see someones sticking around, but the lack of typing is disturbing???

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