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The last poster wins


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Oh, I had a funny day at work today. Normally the zen and art of being a mechanic is a three step process; 1: detect what is wrong, 2: diagnose the source of the problem, 3: cure the problem at it's source well ensuring the problem cannot occur again. Well, today the first step was abundantly clear the moment the earmuffs-wearing owner rolled into the carpark; the car alarm had gone off at 3 AM and had been going ever since! I have a headache from the constant alarming, but it was funny and easy to fix. Just had to cut some wires, turn some screws, then intall a new car alarm. Only took about 20 minutes. I can't think of a worse car problem to live with, a permanent car alarm...

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you seem to one sided, what about us straight guys who have a girl friend, i feel offended lol. :blink:

Gay means happy, have a happy day :P


It's just another word that got its meaning changed from happy to homosexual over time. I guess both meanings are true for me :happy:

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<p>Won'tย happen, world record in progress,ย meaningย it'll never end, mind helping us reach the goal <img class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blink.gif" title=":blink:" /></p>

<p>ohh and welcome to the nexus</p>


Ooh uhh it happened NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Edited by Thor.
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