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spent my "love day" hanging with my sick friend because her boyfriend wouldn't come over out of fear for the plague


oh god lol

Slap her boyfriend when you see him for me.


I'd have spent the whole day with my boyfriend making him soup and trying to make him heal quicker, when people are sick then they feel really lonely so giving some love would be better medicine than anything. If the sickness is bad then a mask should do it. Everything just so the person you chose to love doesn't have to spend time alone.

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This has to be my post anticipated game of the year, itds coming out this year with the new consoles as i heard on youtube lol


probably the best looking demo to date, atleast when it comes to gta like games go :biggrin:

Edited by Thor.
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The things that you don't see catches my eye, like jagging for one, not to mention how well everything is placed.


jagging is a plague when it comes to games, they seriously gotta fix that with the new consoles coming out.

Edited by Thor.
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