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:mellow: M :mellow: E :mellow: L :mellow: L :mellow: O :mellow: W :mellow: F :mellow: A :mellow: C :mellow: E :mellow:


Finally fixed missing WLAN card problem, now it fails to connect to my router.


Microsoft, I am still not amused. :mellow:

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It could be a simple as it needs a driver update, check to see what model the Ethernet card is. Then search online for it.


Even linux isn't perfect, either is windows.


Some ethernet cards like laptop models require special software to make it run properly, if you don't get it from the manufacturer site then it probably won't work right out of the box.

Edited by Thor.
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Even linux isn't perfect.

Actually, Linux works fine. I installed Fedora on his comp (in case windows dies) and it came with pre-packaged drivers for WLAN/Ethernet card, my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS also came with WLAN/Ethernet drivers.


Windows is the only OS so brilliant that it requires me to establish an internet connection and download drivers in order to establish an internet connection and download drivers.http://bigbeatradio.com/static/emoticons/facepalm.gif


I swear, Microsoft is doing that to me on purpose, just for shits and giggles.

Edited by Werne
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It was the opposite for me.

Ubuntu gave me problems, mostly because it dislikes my AMD card.

While W7 did everything automatically, besides the graphics drivers. The internet configured itself, I just downloaded the newest ATI drivers and was ready to go in less than 5 minutes after installing the OS.

While on Ubuntu, I had to go through the damn terminal to download drivers. Which in the end resulted in my screen spazzing out and not being able to boot again. Sometimes it won't boot at all, it gives me amd_microsomething.dll errors if it manages to boot, it crashed multiple times when trying to change icon packs and much more.


I guess you just have to learn the ins and outs of Linux, its really sensitive apparently >.>

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