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While on Ubuntu, I had to go through the damn terminal to download drivers. Which in the end resulted in my screen spazzing out and not being able to boot again. Sometimes it won't boot at all, it gives me amd_microsomething.dll errors if it manages to boot, it crashed multiple times when trying to change icon packs and much more.


I guess you just have to learn the ins and outs of Linux, its really sensitive apparently

You got proprietary drivers, now didn't you?


They don't work right, if they spaz out you need to purge fglrx with sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx_* fglrx-amdcccle* fglrx-dev* command in recovery mode, then you need to get either 12.4, 12.6 or 12.8 legacy drivers from the AMD site and install them manually.


If the purge command doesn't do it's job, type gksudo instead of sudo, just like in the gksudo gedit /.bash_aliases command to edit a file inside the locked root directory.


Don't know why you AMD drivers anyway, everything works fine for me with pre-packaged Xorg drivers.

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I got the ones from AMD's site. Still didn't work. I'll try something sometime later, right now I only have W7 and no time to reinstall Ubuntu.


I never really tried if games run fine with the pre packaged drivers, I just know that Minecraft lags like hell with them.

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I never really tried if games run fine with the pre packaged drivers, I just know that Minecraft lags like hell with them.

Fallout 3 works fine on Xorg. Runs even faster on Linux than it runs on Windows, don't know why.


And yeah, Ubuntu really hates AMD drivers. I couldn't get them to work at all for me, fglrx would fail to load and I'd get that ugly, unmoded gnome-shell environment desktop with no 3D acceleration. :yucky: Got Catalyst 13.2 Beta to work on my girlfriends comp later by purging xorg first and then installing AMD drivers but I'm too lazy to do that for myself. :P


EDIT: Forgot to mention, if you have a 64-bit Ubuntu, get an x86 driver (but do remember to install ia32-libs first). x86-64 is an AMD CPU architecture that retains legacy of the 32-bit architecture and x86-64 drivers will not function correctly on Ubuntu x64 with an Intel CPU.

Edited by Werne
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Apples motto should be, if you want a overly priced apple keyboard that can brake with a single key stroke you're in luck.



:teehee: :teehee: :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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Yeah, I heard they glue the batteries to their Mac laptops so you can't exchange them. Then advertise it as "built in battery".

And my iPod has no screws either. So basically no way to change the battery if something happens or change the screen too. Apple being Apple I guess. :/ I pity the ones who buy Mac computers.

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