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The last poster wins


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They are the second most intelligent mammals on earth :thumbsup: the emotions prove it.

Edited by Thor.
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@Thor I got no idea what happened to your post man but I get what you're saying, more or less.


I've got 4 audio systems, a 2x50W stereo, a 2x40W stereo, a 4x200W stereo and 6x800W + 1200W subwoofer audio system.


The first one's a SABA stereo system (no model designation, must've fell off) with two 3-way 50W speakers of the same brand, custom made speaker cases because the original ones were damaged in a flood.


The second one is a Sansui DA-R500 with Sansui S.U1 2-way speakers, speaker cases replaced with custom made due to cases being cracked.


The third one's a BMB/DAX-1000, 4x200W stereo system with 4 custom made 3-way speakers, 25W Kenwood HF speakers, 75W Kenwood MF speaker and 100W LF speaker, 50mm thick plywood speaker cases.


The last one is a 6-channel DIGI 6550 segmented power amplifier with 6 Behringer B212XL 800W speakers and HD1200/1-JL 1200W subwoofer amp with an XBX1200 dual-sub.

that amplifier is designed for cars :blink:
1200watts is over kill in my opinion, but hey its all in a matter where you live :teehee:
in a barn outside of a city or town, in the middle of no where lol
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HA HA i found the Audio to the receiver was buggy, but the video process worked flawlessly, the trick with he Xonar cards is you can filter the video through the sound card to the receiver and hook it up directly, i doesn't stop me from using the monitor either, i could simply switch inputs on the HD receiver via remote. Sound through the receiver and speakers, video feed to monitor or tv at will.

My older creative card worked out of the box via av, so it should be as simple with the hdmi in.

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I have posted in one of you're mods, try to guess which one :blink:

Hold on..............(check profile)..............(check posts)..............


So you did! I totally forgot that mod even existed, as well as other ones ;D

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Two snails on the ground, three ants on my knee, four squirrels on the tree, five birds in the sky, one other me i can't find. :blink:

Edited by Thor.
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