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Werne, on 12 Mar 2013 - 22:36, said:

Maybe because he has a bigger one? I know I'd be disturbed by that, size matters to me. :ohdear:

I'm originally from Dalmatia too, so size isn't a problem :teehee: As far as I remember there was a study going around that Dalmatians are the biggest ones in Cro?

Either way my boyfriend got jealous and I'm two years younger than he is ;D



Werne, on 12 Mar 2013 - 22:36, said:

You are easily disturbed by surprise gay sex, curious, very curious indeed.


I can't imagine how disturbed you'd be by surprise butt sex. ;D I just couldn't resist. :teehee:

I am easily disturbed by seeing other people who I dont know naked. I got nooooo problem at all with surprise butt secks :teehee: If I could have any ;-;



Werne, on 12 Mar 2013 - 22:36, said:

Anyhow, I know what a trauma is, I have quite a few of them. I still don't know how to deal with them though.


Like the one time when my friend gave me a lit firecracker wrapped in paper. It was Zenga, tore the skin off my palm and I still can't feel a thing with 2 fingers on my left hand. Now when I see a firecracker I start sweating and my brain freezes. And yet I have no problem with hand grenades.


Or the time I impaled myself on a fence, I was stuck for an hour on a 3m high fence with a third of it's hight sticking out my back. Now I don't have a fence around my house, I don't climb over fences and I can barely stand walking past one.


It's messed up, I hate traumas and I hate my brain.

Yeah :/

I am slowly getting rid of the one I have about women and straight things. But idk if I'll ever get rid of it properly.


The part that I underlined, I know that FAR too well. Just that I also start shaking uncontrollably. It's messed up indeed.

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As far as I remember there was a study going around that Dalmatians are the biggest ones in Cro?

Eeyup! Makes me feel proud. :happy:


That research said that when it comes to Ex-Yu, Serbs have the biggest ones with an average of 14.87cm and Dalmatians are second best with 14.77cm (clinical measurements, not personal submissions, that's why Bosnians are out).


And I'm both, mother's a Dalmatian, father's a Serb. That doesn't just make me feel proud, it also makes me feel big. :cool:


And you know, US has an average of 12.90cm. Therefore, I get to tease them:





You can look it up on the Penis World Map. No naked guys with erections, penis pics or anything like that, just a regular map with numbers.




And I'm going to bed, I'll see you guys tomorrow.

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And I'm both, mother's a Dalmatian, father's a Serb. That doesn't just make me feel proud, it also makes me feel big. :cool:


My mom's Dalmatian and my dad's from over here in Međimurje. I never really bothered about genetical penis size really xD




That map, Hungary has 16.51? Wow, they're the greenest spot in all of Europe >.> Not bad.
Whyyyyyy am I talking about this at all?
Goddd I should go to sleep the internet makes me talk about all kinds of things.
Yess, goodnight all.
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its not just any Cherry wood desk, its gold plated, but its not real gold, just metal that looks like it, but it gives it a luxury finish- past down from my grand father :biggrin: he had style. also has a nifty slide out wood slab for you're keyboard, which made it unique for the time it came out. exact fit for a keyboard, its like they where planning for the future!!!!


antique :teehee: more reason to get it refinished

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WOW BL2 true vault hunter mode is hard! I really should have had a go the incomplete side missions and try killing this warrior guy...who I still haven't seen :P


You know your having a bad time when elite/boss enemies can kill you in a few shots :ermm:

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