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I feel like I bother everybody I talk to

*yawns*... Hmm? Oh, yeah, sure. :mellow:




Sorry, I just can't turn on the serious part of my brain today, I think it's malfunctioning. :teehee:

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I feel like I bother everybody I talk to

*yawns*... Hmm? Oh, yeah, sure. :mellow:




Sorry, I just can't turn on the serious part of my brain today, I think it's malfunctioning. :teehee:


Meh I'm better.

I get mood swings sometimes and switch from one end to the other :/


Anyway it's nice not to be serious sometimes, I'm sure it helps with mental health too.

I should practice it more, somehow.


I got pizza and I'll make a pizza sandwich now.

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excitement increasing, the most realistic game to date is going to be revealed again starting soon, veeerry! soon.




I am convinced its going to be released on the ps4, they did the same thing by announcing that watch dogs was going to be a ps3 release, but later on tell us differently.


i am betting the same with mggz



speak Werne you're voice must be heard :blink: :blink: :blink: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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Anyway it's nice not to be serious sometimes, I'm sure it helps with mental health too.

It does but everyone else I know says it doesn't, they say I actually get crazier.


Well, good for me, I'm like Yoda of insanity. Wooo!!! :teehee:


the most realistic game to date is going to be revealed again starting soon



Ah, those pesky f**ks, they always get away. :P

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