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Had something like this happen to me too as I was on the Autobahn at 165 Km/h

It was a Lamborghini. It did take him on a straight track only 3 to 4 seconds till he was out of sight...

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would you shop here ? :psyduck:




And yeah, you're right about Nurburg, it's basically a closed mountain road. At night it is really kind of eerie, certainly surreal. You can only see as far as your head lights, and on my car, being a 1988 model, that is about 15 metres, it's absolutely pitch black; if you press look left/right all you get is a pure black screen. The view is just a narrow gap between two endless rows of fencing, with a road between them, the road's lap length is so long that when you're tired as I was after a 6 hour session, it seems to blur together into this bizaar never-ending racing nightmare.

Edited by Vindekarr
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